Horticulture N 73
No 73
Yezhov V.M., Grynyk I.V. Biochemical aspects of the pome fruit crops breeding
Grynyk I.V., Moskalets T.Z., Moskalets V.V., Shåvchuk R.S. Sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) as perspective valuable for consumðtion raw material resource of the sound nutrition of man
Pavlyuk V.V., Koval’chuk N.S., Pavlyuk N.V. Complex appreciation of the strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch.) midripening cultivars of the Ukrainian and foreign breeding
Telepenko Yu.Yu. Blackberry (Rubus L.) cultivars pheonological phases under the conditions of the Ukraine’s Western Lisosteppe
Trokhymchuk A.I., Shevel’ L.O. Rezults of studying Callistephus chinensis (L.) Nees. genetic fund in the Ukraine’s Lisosteppe
Matviyenko M.V., Bublyk M.O., Kytayev O.I., Khodakivs’ka Yu.B. Energy-saving technology of cultivating intense pear orchard of the ecological direction
Kondratenko P.V., Kondratenko T.Ye. Evolution of the apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) cultivation technology
Gunchak M.V. Economic efficiency of different apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) protection systems in Prydnistrovya
Vasylenko V.I., Moiseichenko N.V. Cherry (Cerasus vulgaris Mill.) cultivars trees growth peculiarities and productivity
Karas’ A.Y., Sobol’ V.A., Yaremko N.O. Substrates influence on the hazelnut (Corylus maxima) layers quality in the mother plantation for the vegetative reproduction
Zhuk V.M., Kryvoshapka V.A., Kozak V.M., Yaroshchuk I.E. Application of synthetic supersorbents and soil mulching under resource-saving technologies for the apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) cultivation
Kozlova L.V., Malyuk T.V. Irrigation regimes regulation in the apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) intense orchards in the South of Ukraine
Shevchuk L.M., Babenko S.M. Apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) fruits storage duration and affection with diseases in the conditions of the common cooled fruit store
Shevchuk L.M. Consumer characteristics of the cherry (Cerasus vulgaris Mill.) fruits
Shevchuk L.M. Ethylene inhibitor OberigPRO efficiency in the control of the apple fruits physiological decays when storing them
Patyka T.I., Kryuchkova L.A., Patyka N.V. Phytopathîgenic organisms control in the agrocoenoses using bacteria of the genus Bacillus
Khodakivs’ka J.B. Pear (Pirus communis L.) cultivars drought-resistance in the Northern part of the Ukraine’s Lisosteppe
Kryvoshapka V.A., Kytayev O.I., Sobol’ V.A. Winter-hardiness and frost-resistance of plum (Prunus domestica L.) ñultivar-rootstock combinations
Zapol’s’kiy Y.S., Bublyk M.O., Kytayev O.I., Bonyuk Z.G. Studying ice formation in the honeysuckle flower buds applying the differåntial thermal analysis
Natalchuk T.A., Medvedyeva T.V., Ryaby V.Y., Zapol's'ky Y.S. Influence of the medium components on the rootstock Gisela 6 rooting under the microclonal propagation
Ryaby V.Ya., Zapol’s’ky Ya.S., Vasyuta S.O., Natal’chuk T.A. Use of «Hyacinth» and «Lisoformin-3000» for initiation of the aceptic culture of the sweet cherry rootstocks
Rudnyk-Ivashchenko O.I., Yaruta O.Y., Kremenchuk R.I. Ecologically safe technologies for protection of medicinal and ethereal oil plants from harmful organisms (scientific and practical recommendations)
Lytovchenko O.M. Directions of the fruit processing industry development and horticulture profitableness increases