Rezults of studying Callistephus chinensis (L.) nees genetic fund in the Ukraine's Lisosteppe
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2018-73-41-49
UDC 631.526.4:582.998
Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23, Sadova st., e-mail: a.trokhymchuk@ukr.net
The Chinese calisthephus genetic resources are unique in the IH of NAAS scientific system. This crop working collections at the mentioned institute include more than one hundred and fifty cultivars and hybrids. IH of NAAS registered a working and sign collection, at the National Centre for the Plant Genetic Resources of Ukraine (NCPGR), Kharkiv, namely: in 2010, the institute was decorated with the certificate from the NCGRP for the registration of the Chinese calisthephus working collection, which consist of more than ninety varieties, in 2016 for the sing collection of 31 characteristics named "red inflorescence". This collection includes 14 varieties bred in Ukraine, 4 in Germany, 1 in Frence, 2 in Russia, 2 in Western Europe and is our country's gene plants pool valuable asset. The seeds of most of Chinese calisthephus cultivars are stored for the long-time at the National Plant Generic Bank of Ukraine (Kharkiv). The comprehensive research of the latest of the two collections, showed that cvs Shokoladka, Oksamyt, Rubinoyie Zviozdy (c.) and Kazka have a complex of characteristics valuable for economy: high ornamentaly (9 points), inflorescence diameter (11-13 cm), productivity (2.5-3.0 g/bush). The fusarium resistance assessment showed that almost 80% of the above mentioned characteristic collection varieties are practically not affected by this pathogenic fungus. A very small affection (8.6-8.8 points) was observed on ‘Pavlina’ and ‘Carmen’.
In 2017, the sing collection gene pool was supplemented with a new sample – the hybrid form ¹ 505 named Kazka, which was created by means ‘Oksana’ free pollination. The flowering period is average. The plant is 60-65 cm high, 30 cm wide, compact, very firm. During the mass flowering on a bush 6-7 inflorescences bloom at the similar time. They resemble baskets of the bright red colour, densely double, spherical shape, the diameter is 13 cm. The ornamental effect is created by long wide ray flowers that cover in full central discs. The ornamentality is 9.9 points, seed productivity 2.5-3.0 g/bush. The hybrid is resistant to the unfavourable weather conditions and fusarium. The purpose is universal.
Key words: Callistephus chinensis, cultivar, characteristics, collection, productivity, genetic resources.
UDC 631.526.4:582.998
Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23, Sadova st., e-mail: a.trokhymchuk@ukr.net
The Chinese calisthephus genetic resources are unique in the IH of NAAS scientific system. This crop working collections at the mentioned institute include more than one hundred and fifty cultivars and hybrids. IH of NAAS registered a working and sign collection, at the National Centre for the Plant Genetic Resources of Ukraine (NCPGR), Kharkiv, namely: in 2010, the institute was decorated with the certificate from the NCGRP for the registration of the Chinese calisthephus working collection, which consist of more than ninety varieties, in 2016 for the sing collection of 31 characteristics named "red inflorescence". This collection includes 14 varieties bred in Ukraine, 4 in Germany, 1 in Frence, 2 in Russia, 2 in Western Europe and is our country's gene plants pool valuable asset. The seeds of most of Chinese calisthephus cultivars are stored for the long-time at the National Plant Generic Bank of Ukraine (Kharkiv). The comprehensive research of the latest of the two collections, showed that cvs Shokoladka, Oksamyt, Rubinoyie Zviozdy (c.) and Kazka have a complex of characteristics valuable for economy: high ornamentaly (9 points), inflorescence diameter (11-13 cm), productivity (2.5-3.0 g/bush). The fusarium resistance assessment showed that almost 80% of the above mentioned characteristic collection varieties are practically not affected by this pathogenic fungus. A very small affection (8.6-8.8 points) was observed on ‘Pavlina’ and ‘Carmen’.
In 2017, the sing collection gene pool was supplemented with a new sample – the hybrid form ¹ 505 named Kazka, which was created by means ‘Oksana’ free pollination. The flowering period is average. The plant is 60-65 cm high, 30 cm wide, compact, very firm. During the mass flowering on a bush 6-7 inflorescences bloom at the similar time. They resemble baskets of the bright red colour, densely double, spherical shape, the diameter is 13 cm. The ornamental effect is created by long wide ray flowers that cover in full central discs. The ornamentality is 9.9 points, seed productivity 2.5-3.0 g/bush. The hybrid is resistant to the unfavourable weather conditions and fusarium. The purpose is universal.
Key words: Callistephus chinensis, cultivar, characteristics, collection, productivity, genetic resources.