The interdepartment subject scientific collection "Horticulture" publishes theoretical analytical generalizing and methodics papers on the actual problems of the horticultural science and related industries.
Manuscripts must meet the requirements to scientific publications and contain the following obligatory elements: propounding of a problem, analysis of the literary sources and data of the latest researches, purpose of the investigation, presentation of its main results with elements of novelty, conclusions and promises of further quests in the given direction.
The manuscripts (up to 10-12 pages) are presented into the editorial board of the collection in duplicate (the second copy is to be signed by the author) with the copy in the electronical way, format MS Word for Windows, font Times New Roman, point is 12, the interline space 1.5, indention 1.25. The upper and lower margins are 20 mm, left 25, right 10 mm, leveled concerning the width.
The elements of manuscripts are distributed in the following succession: UDC, the headline of the publication, initials, surname (in capital letters, type bold), academic degree, rank or post of the author(s), name and postal address of the institution, the author’s e-mail, annotation and key words – everything in Ukrainian, text of the manuscript, list of the literature used; the headline of the publication, initials, surname (in capital letters, type bold), academic degree, rank or post of the author(s), name and postal address of the institution, the author’s e-mail, annotation and key words – all in English.
The annotations (400-500 sings, in italic, point is 10) in Ukrainian and 1800 sings in English are to be informational (without mere words), substantial (reflect the main idea of the manuscript and results of the researches), structured (corresponding to the logic of the description of the results). The key words amount is not less than 6 (point is 10).
The tables must be compact with the headline (the word "table" itself in the headline is not used) and ordinal numbers (if the tables amount exceeds one), the interline space is 1. The width of the table is to coincide with the limits of the main text.
Whatsover pictures are included into the text of the manuscript in the format JPEG with a divisible capacity of not less than 300 dpi. Schemes, diagrams, graphics are made by means of the built - in editor of figures MS Word or MS Excel. They may be black-and-white only (the method of filling is line). Maps and photos must be black-and-white (grey tint) as well. Only denotations digital and in letters are allowed right on them. Explanatory texts are placed under figures.
Formulas are given in the format MS Equation.
The references are formulated according to the State Standard of Ukraine 8302:2015 only in the succession of the references in the text. The sources published during the latest 10 years should be quoted, among them not less than 4 those published during the latest 5 years. The authors should avoid references to the papers of their own (no more 30 %). It is impermissible to leave hyper references and refer to the sites in the Internet (the sources must be generally available). In the references when referring to the papers which have DOI their DOI should be indicated. The font size is 10. In the references to the author’s certificates and patents their class and full date of publishing are indicated. The references to the used literary sources are indicated in the text with figures and in square brackets.
All the less known abbreviations except of those generally accepted as well as Latin names (the type is italic) of fruit, small fruit and other crops and pests and diseases are deciphered at the first mention of them in the text (or in the headline).
Manuscripts meeting the requirements to the collection are published after reviewing and literary editing. Those which do not meet the requirements are neither considered by the editorial board nor returned to the authors.
The paper must be obligatory presented in English electronically for the distribution on the collection site.
In the English files references should be presented in Latin letters (the desirable style APA (htth://www.apastyle.org/) according to the requirements of the word’s data bases. The Ukrainian alphabet must be transliterated in accordance with the decision of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine ¹55 (January 27, 2010). The standard Passport (Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 2010) should be chosen for the transliteration of the Cyrillic letters with Latin ones from the Ukrainian language. After the transliterated title of the edition/paper the little should be presented in English taken from the original.
The editorial board enjoys the right for editing and shortening (with preserving the authors main conclusions).
The texts of the manuscripts, tables, graphics, formulas are protected by the Act about the Authorship Rights. Re-publishings and translations are allowed by the agreement of the authors and editorial board. It is the authors of the manuscripts that are responsible for the trustworthiness of the facts, quotations, proper names, geographical names and those of enterprises, organizations, institutions and for other information. The opinions expressed in the published papers often do not coincide with the viewpoint of the editorial board and impose no obligation on it.