Ecologically safe technologies for protection of medicinal and ethereal oil plants from harmful organisms
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2018-73-177-181
UDC 633.88
The recommendations have been elaborated by:
O.Y YARUTA., R.I. KREMENCHUK, Junior Research Workers
Laboratory of the Floral Ornamental and Medicinal Crops of the Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23 Sadova st., e-mail: helha_@ukr.net.
The authors presents the results of the researches on the development of the environmentally safe measures for the protection of the medicinal and oil-bearing crops, which reduce significantly the chemical load on biocenooses and increase the environmental safety.
On the basis of studing the biological peculiarities, traits valuable for economy and major components of the metabolism of ginger mint, round-leaved mint, brandy mint, mint ‘Udaichanka’, common belladonna (Atropa belladonna L.), purple echinacea (Echinacea purpurea L.), Lavender angustifolia (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.) the prospect the bioproductivity regulation exogenous perspectiveness was established as well as the successful cultivation possibility under the developed innovative technologies for medicinal and oil-bearing crops in the Kyiv region in order to obtain high quality medicinal raw material for the phytopreparations production. One of the key elements of the technology for growing oil-bearing and medicinal crops is reliable plants protection against diseases and pests.
The biological preparations application effectiveness in protection against fungal diseases was shown as well as in the infectious load reduction on plants. The studied preparations combine fungicidal protective properties against the leafy fungal diseases with complete safety for people, animals, bees and the environment. The improved methods of the healthy planting stock growing technologies intensification were elucidated which increase significantly the quality of the medicinal plant raw material and oil-bearing products in accordance with the international requirements.
The biological preparations were established and standards of the costs for the pre-sowing these crops seeds treatment were determined as well as for the plantations purification from weeds. The stimulants and their concentrations identified for ensuring rooting the green lavender angustifolia cuttings high level. The recommendations were given for the successful cultivation of the oil-bearing and medicinal plants, which supersede the correct choice and assessment of the land plots suitability, conducting observations of the pathogenic fungi reaction to the influence factors, necessity the of careful examination and determination of the soil arable layer chemical composition, its microflora, biocoenosis species composition, other indicators that can influence the growth and development processes.
Key words: medicinal and oil-bearing crops, protection, biological preparations.
UDC 633.88
The recommendations have been elaborated by:
O.Y YARUTA., R.I. KREMENCHUK, Junior Research Workers
Laboratory of the Floral Ornamental and Medicinal Crops of the Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23 Sadova st., e-mail: helha_@ukr.net.
The authors presents the results of the researches on the development of the environmentally safe measures for the protection of the medicinal and oil-bearing crops, which reduce significantly the chemical load on biocenooses and increase the environmental safety.
On the basis of studing the biological peculiarities, traits valuable for economy and major components of the metabolism of ginger mint, round-leaved mint, brandy mint, mint ‘Udaichanka’, common belladonna (Atropa belladonna L.), purple echinacea (Echinacea purpurea L.), Lavender angustifolia (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.) the prospect the bioproductivity regulation exogenous perspectiveness was established as well as the successful cultivation possibility under the developed innovative technologies for medicinal and oil-bearing crops in the Kyiv region in order to obtain high quality medicinal raw material for the phytopreparations production. One of the key elements of the technology for growing oil-bearing and medicinal crops is reliable plants protection against diseases and pests.
The biological preparations application effectiveness in protection against fungal diseases was shown as well as in the infectious load reduction on plants. The studied preparations combine fungicidal protective properties against the leafy fungal diseases with complete safety for people, animals, bees and the environment. The improved methods of the healthy planting stock growing technologies intensification were elucidated which increase significantly the quality of the medicinal plant raw material and oil-bearing products in accordance with the international requirements.
The biological preparations were established and standards of the costs for the pre-sowing these crops seeds treatment were determined as well as for the plantations purification from weeds. The stimulants and their concentrations identified for ensuring rooting the green lavender angustifolia cuttings high level. The recommendations were given for the successful cultivation of the oil-bearing and medicinal plants, which supersede the correct choice and assessment of the land plots suitability, conducting observations of the pathogenic fungi reaction to the influence factors, necessity the of careful examination and determination of the soil arable layer chemical composition, its microflora, biocoenosis species composition, other indicators that can influence the growth and development processes.
Key words: medicinal and oil-bearing crops, protection, biological preparations.