Phytopathîgenic organisms control in the agrocoenoses using bacteria of the genus Bacillus
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2018-73-142-148
UDC 632.937
T.I. PATYKA, Doc Agr Sci, Professor
L.A. KRIUCHKOVA, Doc Biol Sci, Professor
N.V. PATYKA, Doc Agr Sci, Professor, Corresponding Member of NAAS of Ukraine
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences, 03041, Kyiv, 13, Heroiv Oborony st., e-mail: patykatatyana@gmail.com
The control of the plants soil pathogens development can be ensured by means of the methods of the natural bioengineering, the major part of which are microbial groups. The issues of the biocontrol over phytopathogens with the participation of B. subtilis and B. pumilus bacteria, was considered which are able to initiate natural mechanisms, to influence the rhizospheric microbial communities composition.
In order to develop the modern and environmentally safe phyto-protection technologies against the phytophags and phytopathogens complex, the perspective bacterial strains Bacillus were studied for 2012-2018 – the bioagents of the microbial preparations from the working collections of the Institute of Horticulture of the National Academy of AgrarianSciences and of the Chair of the Biotechnology and Biodiversity of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. The strains of the bacteria B. subtilis (016), B. pumilus (097) and the new strains of the natural type B/11, B/16 are used in the investigations. They were isolated from the soil rhizosphere and apple plant samples.
When evaluating the polyfunctional action of the liquid concentrates of the strains B/11, B/16 and increasing the phytopathogens biocontrol efficiency in the agrocenoses, the primary stage is to establish the antagonistic activity against of dangerous plant diseases pathogens (the various forms of fusarium, spotting, root rot). The high antagonistic activity concerning the test fungi of Fusarium ssp., Bipolaris sorokiniana, Rhizoctonia cealalis, G. graminis of the strain B/16, was established in the course of the explorations which displayed in the so-called "growth inhibition zones".
The of strains B/11, B/16 antagonistic activity against the pathogens of the different forms of fusarium, spotting, root rot with the micromycetes inhibition index from 31 to 61 % have been established and different mechanisms of theaction.
Consequently, conducted researches showned that the protective effect of the strains B. subtilis and B. pumilus includes both the direct antagonistic effect on the phytopathogenic micromycetes and indirect one, through the induction of the plant protective reactions, accompanied by the increase of their resistance to phytopathogens. The induction of the protective reactions in plants can be initiated through the root system by introducing the strain metabolic complex (cultural fluid) into the substrate (soil, sand).
Key words: bacteria of the genus Bacillus, phytopathogens, antagonism, infectious background.
UDC 632.937
T.I. PATYKA, Doc Agr Sci, Professor
L.A. KRIUCHKOVA, Doc Biol Sci, Professor
N.V. PATYKA, Doc Agr Sci, Professor, Corresponding Member of NAAS of Ukraine
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences, 03041, Kyiv, 13, Heroiv Oborony st., e-mail: patykatatyana@gmail.com
The control of the plants soil pathogens development can be ensured by means of the methods of the natural bioengineering, the major part of which are microbial groups. The issues of the biocontrol over phytopathogens with the participation of B. subtilis and B. pumilus bacteria, was considered which are able to initiate natural mechanisms, to influence the rhizospheric microbial communities composition.
In order to develop the modern and environmentally safe phyto-protection technologies against the phytophags and phytopathogens complex, the perspective bacterial strains Bacillus were studied for 2012-2018 – the bioagents of the microbial preparations from the working collections of the Institute of Horticulture of the National Academy of AgrarianSciences and of the Chair of the Biotechnology and Biodiversity of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. The strains of the bacteria B. subtilis (016), B. pumilus (097) and the new strains of the natural type B/11, B/16 are used in the investigations. They were isolated from the soil rhizosphere and apple plant samples.
When evaluating the polyfunctional action of the liquid concentrates of the strains B/11, B/16 and increasing the phytopathogens biocontrol efficiency in the agrocenoses, the primary stage is to establish the antagonistic activity against of dangerous plant diseases pathogens (the various forms of fusarium, spotting, root rot). The high antagonistic activity concerning the test fungi of Fusarium ssp., Bipolaris sorokiniana, Rhizoctonia cealalis, G. graminis of the strain B/16, was established in the course of the explorations which displayed in the so-called "growth inhibition zones".
The of strains B/11, B/16 antagonistic activity against the pathogens of the different forms of fusarium, spotting, root rot with the micromycetes inhibition index from 31 to 61 % have been established and different mechanisms of theaction.
Consequently, conducted researches showned that the protective effect of the strains B. subtilis and B. pumilus includes both the direct antagonistic effect on the phytopathogenic micromycetes and indirect one, through the induction of the plant protective reactions, accompanied by the increase of their resistance to phytopathogens. The induction of the protective reactions in plants can be initiated through the root system by introducing the strain metabolic complex (cultural fluid) into the substrate (soil, sand).
Key words: bacteria of the genus Bacillus, phytopathogens, antagonism, infectious background.