Consumer characteristics of the cherry fruits
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2018-73-131-136
UDC 631.576:634.569:577.1:006.83
L. M. SHEVCHUK, Doctor
Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23, Sadova st., e-mail: zberig@ukr.net
The author have analysed the biochemical composition of the 26 cherry fruits grown in the orchards of the Institute of Horticulture (NAAS) and its institutions network and established that it depends largely on cv and growing conditions, but its variation is limited decently by the crop biological peculiarities. The fruits of ‘Rbatska Krasunya’, appeared to have the highest of soluble substancts content ‘Boguslavka’ and ‘Heyman’ in the assortment under study (18.0 % each), while ‘Rebatska Krasunya’ of sugar as well 11.3 %. The cultivars Alpha, Donetsky Velikan, Musa, Favorit, Mokanesti and Heyman accumulated less than 11.0 and above 10.0 % of sugars. The amount of the organic acids in the cherry fruits varied from 0.87 % (‘Vstriecha’) to 1.98 % (‘Griotte Jelly’). Cvs Vtriecha, Prymitna, Alpha, Shalunya, Rebatska Krasunya and Kseniya had excellent taste qualities of the fruits with the sugar-acid index 9 and more. The average vitamin C amount in the studied varieties fruits was 12 mg/100 g of dry mass. It were the cultivar the Hayman fruits accumulated the greatest content of this vitamin (20 mg/100 g of dry mass). The fruits of ‘Kseniya’ were characterized with the maximum pectins amount among the studied cvs (0.74 %), somewhat Musa with less (0.71), Olivier with minimum (0.35 %), Donetsky Velikan, Primitive, Griotte Jelly and Solidarnist (0.39 %). The high anthocyanins content was recorded in the fruits with a large polyphenols number, which include the fruits of ‘Donetsky Velikan’ (537), ‘Shalunya’ (627) and ‘Prymitna’ (632 mg/100 g). The fruits of the varieties Kseniya, Heyman, Boguslavka, Prymitna, Donetsky Velikan, Shalunya, Rebatska Krasunya appeared the most suitable for the consumption as fresh, and for processing the cherries of the four latest of the mentioned cultivars: Podbielskaya, Alpha, Donetsky Velikan, Nochkad, Nochka, Nord Star and Igrushka.
Key words: cherry fruits, organic substances content, consumer valour, dessert and raw material properties.
UDC 631.576:634.569:577.1:006.83
L. M. SHEVCHUK, Doctor
Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23, Sadova st., e-mail: zberig@ukr.net
The author have analysed the biochemical composition of the 26 cherry fruits grown in the orchards of the Institute of Horticulture (NAAS) and its institutions network and established that it depends largely on cv and growing conditions, but its variation is limited decently by the crop biological peculiarities. The fruits of ‘Rbatska Krasunya’, appeared to have the highest of soluble substancts content ‘Boguslavka’ and ‘Heyman’ in the assortment under study (18.0 % each), while ‘Rebatska Krasunya’ of sugar as well 11.3 %. The cultivars Alpha, Donetsky Velikan, Musa, Favorit, Mokanesti and Heyman accumulated less than 11.0 and above 10.0 % of sugars. The amount of the organic acids in the cherry fruits varied from 0.87 % (‘Vstriecha’) to 1.98 % (‘Griotte Jelly’). Cvs Vtriecha, Prymitna, Alpha, Shalunya, Rebatska Krasunya and Kseniya had excellent taste qualities of the fruits with the sugar-acid index 9 and more. The average vitamin C amount in the studied varieties fruits was 12 mg/100 g of dry mass. It were the cultivar the Hayman fruits accumulated the greatest content of this vitamin (20 mg/100 g of dry mass). The fruits of ‘Kseniya’ were characterized with the maximum pectins amount among the studied cvs (0.74 %), somewhat Musa with less (0.71), Olivier with minimum (0.35 %), Donetsky Velikan, Primitive, Griotte Jelly and Solidarnist (0.39 %). The high anthocyanins content was recorded in the fruits with a large polyphenols number, which include the fruits of ‘Donetsky Velikan’ (537), ‘Shalunya’ (627) and ‘Prymitna’ (632 mg/100 g). The fruits of the varieties Kseniya, Heyman, Boguslavka, Prymitna, Donetsky Velikan, Shalunya, Rebatska Krasunya appeared the most suitable for the consumption as fresh, and for processing the cherries of the four latest of the mentioned cultivars: Podbielskaya, Alpha, Donetsky Velikan, Nochkad, Nochka, Nord Star and Igrushka.
Key words: cherry fruits, organic substances content, consumer valour, dessert and raw material properties.