Cherry cultivars trees growth peculiarities and productivity
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2018-73-81-88
UDC 631.547.2:003.13:631.526.32:634.23
Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23, Sadova st.
Most of the productivity components are characterized by the complicated polygenic nature of inheritance, the high individual indicators level being the basis for evaluating the cultivars economic efficiency. As one of the main modern requirements to horticulture is the high output per unit the orchard area as well as the rapid return of the investments for the orchards establishment of the different economic orientation, the trees biometric indicators are of the great importance. Our researches were carried out at the Institute of Horticulture (NAAS of Ukraine) in 2009-2014. The perspective foreing and inland cherry cultivars were studied (Boguslavka, Volzhanochka, Griotte Jelly, Doch of Yaroslavny, Musa, Olive, Petrova Rodinka, Podbielska (C.), Solidarnist, Sputnytsia and Heyman). The ochards were established in 2000 (the planting plan was 6x2,5 m) on the root-stock wild sweet cherry. Since in the modern intense orchards cvs are used the trees of which are characterized with mostly restrained growth and compact crown, the first stage of our investigations included the determination of the following parameters: height, diameter, projection area and crown density (in points), trunk cross section area and shoot length (cm). The second stage the calculation of the specific productivity indicators was conducted. This stage is possible due to the trees full fruit-bearing. As the recorded crop value is not the final indicator, because the trees size and their placement in the orchards are not taken into account the recalculation of the harvest per 1 m3 of the crown, 1 m2 of its projection area or 1 dm2 crossing of the trunk was conducted. The peculiarity of the presented above cherry varieties growth and productivity was determined thanks to the obtained results. They are proposed for use in the intense orchards and in the private gardens depending on the growth vigour and specific productivity. Thr cultivars Heyman, Solidarnist, Sputnytsia and Volzhanochka were recommended for growing in intense orchards whereas Petrova Rodinka, Heyman and Boguslavka are considered high yielding.
Key words: crown height, diameter, projection and trunk cross sectional area and thickness, shoot length.
UDC 631.547.2:003.13:631.526.32:634.23
Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23, Sadova st.
Most of the productivity components are characterized by the complicated polygenic nature of inheritance, the high individual indicators level being the basis for evaluating the cultivars economic efficiency. As one of the main modern requirements to horticulture is the high output per unit the orchard area as well as the rapid return of the investments for the orchards establishment of the different economic orientation, the trees biometric indicators are of the great importance. Our researches were carried out at the Institute of Horticulture (NAAS of Ukraine) in 2009-2014. The perspective foreing and inland cherry cultivars were studied (Boguslavka, Volzhanochka, Griotte Jelly, Doch of Yaroslavny, Musa, Olive, Petrova Rodinka, Podbielska (C.), Solidarnist, Sputnytsia and Heyman). The ochards were established in 2000 (the planting plan was 6x2,5 m) on the root-stock wild sweet cherry. Since in the modern intense orchards cvs are used the trees of which are characterized with mostly restrained growth and compact crown, the first stage of our investigations included the determination of the following parameters: height, diameter, projection area and crown density (in points), trunk cross section area and shoot length (cm). The second stage the calculation of the specific productivity indicators was conducted. This stage is possible due to the trees full fruit-bearing. As the recorded crop value is not the final indicator, because the trees size and their placement in the orchards are not taken into account the recalculation of the harvest per 1 m3 of the crown, 1 m2 of its projection area or 1 dm2 crossing of the trunk was conducted. The peculiarity of the presented above cherry varieties growth and productivity was determined thanks to the obtained results. They are proposed for use in the intense orchards and in the private gardens depending on the growth vigour and specific productivity. Thr cultivars Heyman, Solidarnist, Sputnytsia and Volzhanochka were recommended for growing in intense orchards whereas Petrova Rodinka, Heyman and Boguslavka are considered high yielding.
Key words: crown height, diameter, projection and trunk cross sectional area and thickness, shoot length.