Influence of the medium components on the rootstock Gisela 6 rooting under the microclonal propagation
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2018-73-165-171
UDC 581.143.6+634.723.1
V.Y. RYABY, Y.S. ZAPOL'S'KY, Post Graduate Assistants
Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23, Sadova st., e-mail: medvedevatv@ukr.net
The rootstock Gisella 6 clonal micropropagation was carried out according to the traditional model of the axillary shoot proliferation. The 6-BAP introduction to the nutrient medium removed the apical domination and stimulated the shoots formation. The modified Murasige-Skuga medium use at the zero (the introduction to culture) and the first passages made it possible to obtain before the end of the latter viable microbial conglomerates that were propagated to the amount required for the experiments.
The micropagons > 1 cm length microshoots were treated for the day-time with the IMC solution at three concentrations (1, 2, and 3 mg / l) and planted for rooting to full and half-composition MS that did not contain growth regulators. 45 days after, the maximum rooted plants number was recorded.
When using the medium with the full macrosalts content, the maximum such plants amount (57 %) was obtained under stimulating rhizogenesis with the auxin IMC (3 mg / l), whereas in another experiment variant (½ MS), a concentration of 2 mg/l provided 80 % of the rooted microshoots. Here, the rooted plants number did not vary considerably depending on the auxin concentration taken for the microshoots processing. This indicator was influenced much more by the nutrient medium mineral composition. Under the macrosalts half content. The rooted plants number in all the variants was greater than the under full content. On this basis in the further researches we used IBA at a concentration of 1 mg/l with its constant presence in the medium. Adding the PVP antioxidant resulted in more than the twofold increase in the number of the rooted microshots amount (71 vs. 33 %) under the full macrosalts content and 83 vs. 75 % under the half content a IBA steady content of 1 mg/l. The number of roots per plant was also higher than in the control. The putrescine did not contribute to the rooted plants number increase, although it effected positively the roots amount and length. The maximum rooted microshoots number formed on the medium with both half and full macrosalts content under using the Fe-EDDHA complex and high thiamine concentration (98 and 87 %, respectively) as the iron source. The average of roots amount per plant and their total length exceeded significantly the control values as well.
Key words: Gisela 6, growth regulators, rhizogenesis, putrescine, antioxidants, Fe-EDDHA, in vitro.
UDC 581.143.6+634.723.1
V.Y. RYABY, Y.S. ZAPOL'S'KY, Post Graduate Assistants
Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23, Sadova st., e-mail: medvedevatv@ukr.net
The rootstock Gisella 6 clonal micropropagation was carried out according to the traditional model of the axillary shoot proliferation. The 6-BAP introduction to the nutrient medium removed the apical domination and stimulated the shoots formation. The modified Murasige-Skuga medium use at the zero (the introduction to culture) and the first passages made it possible to obtain before the end of the latter viable microbial conglomerates that were propagated to the amount required for the experiments.
The micropagons > 1 cm length microshoots were treated for the day-time with the IMC solution at three concentrations (1, 2, and 3 mg / l) and planted for rooting to full and half-composition MS that did not contain growth regulators. 45 days after, the maximum rooted plants number was recorded.
When using the medium with the full macrosalts content, the maximum such plants amount (57 %) was obtained under stimulating rhizogenesis with the auxin IMC (3 mg / l), whereas in another experiment variant (½ MS), a concentration of 2 mg/l provided 80 % of the rooted microshoots. Here, the rooted plants number did not vary considerably depending on the auxin concentration taken for the microshoots processing. This indicator was influenced much more by the nutrient medium mineral composition. Under the macrosalts half content. The rooted plants number in all the variants was greater than the under full content. On this basis in the further researches we used IBA at a concentration of 1 mg/l with its constant presence in the medium. Adding the PVP antioxidant resulted in more than the twofold increase in the number of the rooted microshots amount (71 vs. 33 %) under the full macrosalts content and 83 vs. 75 % under the half content a IBA steady content of 1 mg/l. The number of roots per plant was also higher than in the control. The putrescine did not contribute to the rooted plants number increase, although it effected positively the roots amount and length. The maximum rooted microshoots number formed on the medium with both half and full macrosalts content under using the Fe-EDDHA complex and high thiamine concentration (98 and 87 %, respectively) as the iron source. The average of roots amount per plant and their total length exceeded significantly the control values as well.
Key words: Gisela 6, growth regulators, rhizogenesis, putrescine, antioxidants, Fe-EDDHA, in vitro.