Economic efficiency of different apple protection systems in Prydnistrovya
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2018-73-74-81
UDC 634.11:632.93:338.43
M.V. GUNCHAK, Research Worker
Ukrainian Research Station of Plants Quarantine of the Institute of Plant Protection (NAAS of Ukraine), 4, Naukova st., Boyany, Novoselytsya district, Chernivtsi region, 60321, e-mail: gunchak00@ukr.net
In 2015-2017 the study of the economic efficiency of the chemical biological and integrated systems of the apple plants protection from harmful organisms (pests and diseases) was conducted in Prydnistrovia. The experiments were carried out in the cultivar Aidared orchard on the rootstock M.106, the soil of the plot is gray podzolized, the planting plan - 4x2.5 m.
During the researches the economic evaluation of three systems of the protection from was conducted: chemical, biological and integrated. The latter is based on using chemicals of the chemical and biological origin. The chemical protection included 12, integrated 7 treatments, among which one with chemical preparations, six with biological ones. When applying the biological system, 7 treatments were carried out with biological preparations.
The economic analysis of using the investigated methods of the protection was conducted according to the following indicators: cost of preparations, UAH/ha; costs associated with their use, UAH/ha; yield, c/ha; selling price, UAH/c; cost of the production in selling prices, UAH/ha; the preserved harvest, c/ha; its value, UAH/ha; costs connected with the additional crop, UAH/d; fruits production cost, UAH/c.
Our explorations showed it was integrated protection that appeared the most effective one the use of which at the lowest preparations cost and low production costs associated with the utilization of this system, resulted in achieving the highest rates indices of profit (up to 107586.4 UAH/ha). and profitability (up to 127.23 %). While using the chemical protection method, these indicators were to 110845.39 UAH/ha and 104.9 % respectively during the study period.
When applying the biological system in the same zone, the profit and profitability were 99035.72 UAH/ha and 119.01 % respectively. But the main difference of this protection method is that it is environmentally pure, the cost of the grown fruits is much higher than the market price, and the profit may be by several times higher than the present day one.
Keywords: apple, economic efficiency, profit, profitableness, protective measures systems, harmful organisms.
UDC 634.11:632.93:338.43
M.V. GUNCHAK, Research Worker
Ukrainian Research Station of Plants Quarantine of the Institute of Plant Protection (NAAS of Ukraine), 4, Naukova st., Boyany, Novoselytsya district, Chernivtsi region, 60321, e-mail: gunchak00@ukr.net
In 2015-2017 the study of the economic efficiency of the chemical biological and integrated systems of the apple plants protection from harmful organisms (pests and diseases) was conducted in Prydnistrovia. The experiments were carried out in the cultivar Aidared orchard on the rootstock M.106, the soil of the plot is gray podzolized, the planting plan - 4x2.5 m.
During the researches the economic evaluation of three systems of the protection from was conducted: chemical, biological and integrated. The latter is based on using chemicals of the chemical and biological origin. The chemical protection included 12, integrated 7 treatments, among which one with chemical preparations, six with biological ones. When applying the biological system, 7 treatments were carried out with biological preparations.
The economic analysis of using the investigated methods of the protection was conducted according to the following indicators: cost of preparations, UAH/ha; costs associated with their use, UAH/ha; yield, c/ha; selling price, UAH/c; cost of the production in selling prices, UAH/ha; the preserved harvest, c/ha; its value, UAH/ha; costs connected with the additional crop, UAH/d; fruits production cost, UAH/c.
Our explorations showed it was integrated protection that appeared the most effective one the use of which at the lowest preparations cost and low production costs associated with the utilization of this system, resulted in achieving the highest rates indices of profit (up to 107586.4 UAH/ha). and profitability (up to 127.23 %). While using the chemical protection method, these indicators were to 110845.39 UAH/ha and 104.9 % respectively during the study period.
When applying the biological system in the same zone, the profit and profitability were 99035.72 UAH/ha and 119.01 % respectively. But the main difference of this protection method is that it is environmentally pure, the cost of the grown fruits is much higher than the market price, and the profit may be by several times higher than the present day one.
Keywords: apple, economic efficiency, profit, profitableness, protective measures systems, harmful organisms.