Complex appreciation of the strawberry midripening cultivars of the Ukrainian and foreign breeding
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2018-73-25-33
UDC 631.526.3 : 634.75
N.S. KOVALCHUK, Leading Agronomist
Institute of Horticulture (NAAS of Ukraine), 03027, Kyiv-27, 23, Sadova st.
N.V. PAVLIUK, Senior Research Worker
Ukrainian Institute of the Plants Varieties Examination, 03041, Kyiv-41, 15, General Rodimtsev str., e-mail: nataliap@sops.gov.ua
The authors have ulucidated the biological peculiarities and productivity indicators of the strawberries Ukrainian middle-aged and best foreign cultivars and elite forms in the Northern part of the Lisosteppe in the period from 2006 to 2017.
In the sheltered ground, namely: in the field, the drought impact on strawberry bushes, as a herbaceous crop, became evident in April and May in 6 out of 12, and the most critical years were 2009, 2015 and 2017, although according to the average data, the level productivity in 2006-2009 was rather high, thanks to the availability of significant the organic fertilizers amounts and early autumn planting. The best results were shown then by the ‘Festivalna Romashka’ varieties and ‘Hercules’ (18.8 and 17.2 t/ha).
The researches have shown that the Ukrainian cv Hercules, English Elegance, Dutch Elsanta and early-middle Italian Alba were the best ones in the Northern part of the Ukraine’s Lisosteppe according the complex of the characteristics among the middle-aged varieties. The elite Form 03-7-55 (bred in Ukraine) is a real candidate for varieties and for submission to the registration and spread in Ukraine.
Under the impact of all the climatic and agronomic factors, the actual yield was within 45-55 % of the biologically possible one. In 2016 its average level was much lower than in the two previous years (about 9-10 t/ha with the highest index 16.2 t/ha (the elite form 03-7-55 bred by the Institute of Horticulture). The rest of the mentioned varieties had this indicator as 13.4 t/ha (‘Honeio’), 9.6 (‘Alba’), 9.4 (the form 04-3-27), 7.5 (‘Elsanta’ (st.) and 5.5 t/ha (‘Eleganse’).
Their advantages and disadvantages, as well as the climate changes were noted in spring and summer – the period which is the most important one for the small fruit crops. In this connection the high income strawberry cultivation (even in the mentioned subzone) is possible only in the controlled conditions – under high film tunnels, in greenhouses and under the constant irrigation, that is already the pan-European trend.
The high-yeield and high-adaptive cultivar Festivalna Romashka is not recommended for the further industrial production thanks to the simple fruit and the small fruity taste.
Key words: strawberry, cultivar, fruit-bearing, yield, fruits, small fruits, cultivation, ripeness, resistance, pests, diseases.
UDC 631.526.3 : 634.75
N.S. KOVALCHUK, Leading Agronomist
Institute of Horticulture (NAAS of Ukraine), 03027, Kyiv-27, 23, Sadova st.
N.V. PAVLIUK, Senior Research Worker
Ukrainian Institute of the Plants Varieties Examination, 03041, Kyiv-41, 15, General Rodimtsev str., e-mail: nataliap@sops.gov.ua
The authors have ulucidated the biological peculiarities and productivity indicators of the strawberries Ukrainian middle-aged and best foreign cultivars and elite forms in the Northern part of the Lisosteppe in the period from 2006 to 2017.
In the sheltered ground, namely: in the field, the drought impact on strawberry bushes, as a herbaceous crop, became evident in April and May in 6 out of 12, and the most critical years were 2009, 2015 and 2017, although according to the average data, the level productivity in 2006-2009 was rather high, thanks to the availability of significant the organic fertilizers amounts and early autumn planting. The best results were shown then by the ‘Festivalna Romashka’ varieties and ‘Hercules’ (18.8 and 17.2 t/ha).
The researches have shown that the Ukrainian cv Hercules, English Elegance, Dutch Elsanta and early-middle Italian Alba were the best ones in the Northern part of the Ukraine’s Lisosteppe according the complex of the characteristics among the middle-aged varieties. The elite Form 03-7-55 (bred in Ukraine) is a real candidate for varieties and for submission to the registration and spread in Ukraine.
Under the impact of all the climatic and agronomic factors, the actual yield was within 45-55 % of the biologically possible one. In 2016 its average level was much lower than in the two previous years (about 9-10 t/ha with the highest index 16.2 t/ha (the elite form 03-7-55 bred by the Institute of Horticulture). The rest of the mentioned varieties had this indicator as 13.4 t/ha (‘Honeio’), 9.6 (‘Alba’), 9.4 (the form 04-3-27), 7.5 (‘Elsanta’ (st.) and 5.5 t/ha (‘Eleganse’).
Their advantages and disadvantages, as well as the climate changes were noted in spring and summer – the period which is the most important one for the small fruit crops. In this connection the high income strawberry cultivation (even in the mentioned subzone) is possible only in the controlled conditions – under high film tunnels, in greenhouses and under the constant irrigation, that is already the pan-European trend.
The high-yeield and high-adaptive cultivar Festivalna Romashka is not recommended for the further industrial production thanks to the simple fruit and the small fruity taste.
Key words: strawberry, cultivar, fruit-bearing, yield, fruits, small fruits, cultivation, ripeness, resistance, pests, diseases.