Apricot orchards on the clonal and seedling rootstocks in the Right-Bank Lisosteppe
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2018-73-49-57
UDC 631.542.3:634.21:631.541.1
Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23, Sadova st., e-mail: vsobol@i.ua
The author presents the results of studying different constructions of the apricot orchards of the cultivars Kyivsky Krasen and Vietieran of Sievastopolia. He has noted the better trees survival and earlier and more active growth after planting on clonal than on seedling rootstocks. The the tree pruning complexity depending on the formation systems was determined on different rootstocks, as well as thei higher complexity pruning them on the vigorous rootstock (seedling). The trees appeared to be characterized with more restrained growth in the period of the productive fruit-bearing when the shoots length was by the one third and the height by quarter smaller than on the seedling rootstock.
The orchards age was also determined beginning from which it is necessary to limit the tree crowns width on the of different rows side up to its optimum parameters. The apricot cv Kyivsky Krasen was chosen as more adapted to the conditions of the Northern part of the Right-Bank Lisosteppe of Ukraine and up to the ten years age provided the trees high productivity and preservation. The best cultivar-rootstock combinations and tree crown formation systems were determined, which ensure the high yield and orchards productivity on the whole, in particular the variety Kyivsky Krasen on the rootstock Vesniane Polumia with forming orbicular small crowns (spindly and freely growing). During the fruit-bearing years, the average yield in these orchards was 21.0-22.0 t/ha, which is almost by 2.5 times higher than on the seedling rootstock and the formation of the crown with the reduced fruit-bearing area.
On the whole six years were obtained in the period from the marketable fruit-bearing beginning (fourth year) to the ten years age, but one year was without crop. Iy was the variety Kyivsky Krasen with both the Vesniane Polumia free-growing and sprindle-like crowns and on Druzhba that had the highest summary yield by 2.3-2.5 and 1.7-1.5 times respectively, than on a seedling rootstock and the average yield in the same period on Vesniane Polumia was 209.7 and 219.5 c/ha and on Druzhba 147.4 and 133.1 contrary to 89.0 c/ha on wild apricot.
Thus, the most effective is the cultivation of the apricot orchards on Vesniane Polumia with the formation of the free-growing (5x3 m) and spindle-like crowns (5x2.5 m).
Key words: apricot, crown formation system, pruning labour consuming character, planting plan, tree height, shoot length, fruits infructescense, yield.
UDC 631.542.3:634.21:631.541.1
Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23, Sadova st., e-mail: vsobol@i.ua
The author presents the results of studying different constructions of the apricot orchards of the cultivars Kyivsky Krasen and Vietieran of Sievastopolia. He has noted the better trees survival and earlier and more active growth after planting on clonal than on seedling rootstocks. The the tree pruning complexity depending on the formation systems was determined on different rootstocks, as well as thei higher complexity pruning them on the vigorous rootstock (seedling). The trees appeared to be characterized with more restrained growth in the period of the productive fruit-bearing when the shoots length was by the one third and the height by quarter smaller than on the seedling rootstock.
The orchards age was also determined beginning from which it is necessary to limit the tree crowns width on the of different rows side up to its optimum parameters. The apricot cv Kyivsky Krasen was chosen as more adapted to the conditions of the Northern part of the Right-Bank Lisosteppe of Ukraine and up to the ten years age provided the trees high productivity and preservation. The best cultivar-rootstock combinations and tree crown formation systems were determined, which ensure the high yield and orchards productivity on the whole, in particular the variety Kyivsky Krasen on the rootstock Vesniane Polumia with forming orbicular small crowns (spindly and freely growing). During the fruit-bearing years, the average yield in these orchards was 21.0-22.0 t/ha, which is almost by 2.5 times higher than on the seedling rootstock and the formation of the crown with the reduced fruit-bearing area.
On the whole six years were obtained in the period from the marketable fruit-bearing beginning (fourth year) to the ten years age, but one year was without crop. Iy was the variety Kyivsky Krasen with both the Vesniane Polumia free-growing and sprindle-like crowns and on Druzhba that had the highest summary yield by 2.3-2.5 and 1.7-1.5 times respectively, than on a seedling rootstock and the average yield in the same period on Vesniane Polumia was 209.7 and 219.5 c/ha and on Druzhba 147.4 and 133.1 contrary to 89.0 c/ha on wild apricot.
Thus, the most effective is the cultivation of the apricot orchards on Vesniane Polumia with the formation of the free-growing (5x3 m) and spindle-like crowns (5x2.5 m).
Key words: apricot, crown formation system, pruning labour consuming character, planting plan, tree height, shoot length, fruits infructescense, yield.