Biochemical aspects of the pome fruit crops breeding
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2018-73-5-16
UDC 577.11 : 634.10
V.M. YEZHOV, Academician of NAAS, Doctor, Professor
e-mail: ezhow.valeriy@gmail.com
I.V. GRYNYK, Academician of NAAS, Doctor, Professor
Institute of Horticulture of NAAS, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23 Sadova str., e-mail: sad-institut@ukr.net
The current level of the pop fruits biochemical composition has been investigated. In addition to its traditional indicators, others appeared to be used actively: pectins, triterpene acids and their derivatives, cardiotonic amines and phenolic substances. The latters most often include flavonoids, proanthocyanidins and anthocyanins, phenolic acids, and dihydrochalcones. The main characteristics of the phenolic substances, biochemical activity, in particular, antioxidant one and its role in the numerous human diseases prevention. The indces indicators are recommended to be used during the breeding operations with the pop fruit crops as fully reflecting the fruits biological value. They differentiation of therecommended indicators has been carried out depending on the fruit crops species, in particular for quince and chaenomeloses, it is advisable to include pectin substances – soluble pectin and protopectins, potassium content and phenolic compounds – into the list of the representative analytical indices. The latters must be analyzed as for their total content, amount of polyphenols, procyanidins, catechins and oxycoric acids depending on the applied base. The cardiotonic amines, flavonoids, procyanidins, phenolic and triterpene acids are necessary to be included into the hawthorn obligatory list of analytical data. During the breeding evaluation of the mountain ash fruits, it is necessary to analyze the content of the phenolic substances and their individual groups – flavonoids, anthocyanins, phenolic acids, as well as to determine the indicator of the antioxidant activity. In the process of the biochemical evaluation of the pear fruit, it is important to determine the dominant elements content – potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, as well as catechins, leukoanthocyanins, chlorogenic acid and arbutin. The important indicators of the biologically active substances content in the apple fruits should include the number of the phenolic substances, catechins and procyanidins, phenol acids and dihydrochalcones.
Key words: fruits, pectin compounds, triterpene acids, phenolic substances, antioxidants, disease prophylaxis.
UDC 577.11 : 634.10
V.M. YEZHOV, Academician of NAAS, Doctor, Professor
e-mail: ezhow.valeriy@gmail.com
I.V. GRYNYK, Academician of NAAS, Doctor, Professor
Institute of Horticulture of NAAS, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23 Sadova str., e-mail: sad-institut@ukr.net
The current level of the pop fruits biochemical composition has been investigated. In addition to its traditional indicators, others appeared to be used actively: pectins, triterpene acids and their derivatives, cardiotonic amines and phenolic substances. The latters most often include flavonoids, proanthocyanidins and anthocyanins, phenolic acids, and dihydrochalcones. The main characteristics of the phenolic substances, biochemical activity, in particular, antioxidant one and its role in the numerous human diseases prevention. The indces indicators are recommended to be used during the breeding operations with the pop fruit crops as fully reflecting the fruits biological value. They differentiation of therecommended indicators has been carried out depending on the fruit crops species, in particular for quince and chaenomeloses, it is advisable to include pectin substances – soluble pectin and protopectins, potassium content and phenolic compounds – into the list of the representative analytical indices. The latters must be analyzed as for their total content, amount of polyphenols, procyanidins, catechins and oxycoric acids depending on the applied base. The cardiotonic amines, flavonoids, procyanidins, phenolic and triterpene acids are necessary to be included into the hawthorn obligatory list of analytical data. During the breeding evaluation of the mountain ash fruits, it is necessary to analyze the content of the phenolic substances and their individual groups – flavonoids, anthocyanins, phenolic acids, as well as to determine the indicator of the antioxidant activity. In the process of the biochemical evaluation of the pear fruit, it is important to determine the dominant elements content – potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, as well as catechins, leukoanthocyanins, chlorogenic acid and arbutin. The important indicators of the biologically active substances content in the apple fruits should include the number of the phenolic substances, catechins and procyanidins, phenol acids and dihydrochalcones.
Key words: fruits, pectin compounds, triterpene acids, phenolic substances, antioxidants, disease prophylaxis.