Studying ice formation in the honeysuckle flower buds applying the differåntial thermal analysis
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2018-73-160-165
UDC 631.526.32:624.23
Y.S. ZAPOLSKY, Post Graduate Student
M.O. BUBLYK, Doctor, Professor, Corresponding Member of NAAS of Ukraine
Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23, Sadova st., e-mail: ya.zapolskyi91@gmail.com
O.V. Fomin Botanical Garden of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, 01032, Kyiv
The authors have elucidated the results of researches related to the freezing of the honeysuckle flower buds in the winter and spring period, after the finish of the plants dormancy state.
The frost resistance of the honeysuckle cultivar Spokusa were determined and compared with the wild forms of Lonicera edulis and Lonicera coerulea. Peduncles of plants of the species of Temptation were selected from the generative buds at the demonstration site of the Institute of Horticulture NAAS, and seedlings of Lonicera edulis and Lonicera corulea in the O.V. Fomin Botanical Garden in spring, after the buds had swelled.
The ice formation character was studied using the device designed specially for DTA and similar as to the construction with the Kwamme instrument.
The maximum freezing temperatures of flower buds in flower stalks of the honeysuckle plants: maximum – minus 6.33 and minimum – minus 7.66 ˚C were established on the basis of the carried out researches. These plants can emerge from the deep and long forced winter dormancy and initiate growth processes, which are often damaged under sharp temperature fluctuations. The schedule shows the destruction of flowers and even peduncles by turn. This phenomenon is explained by the biological peculiarities of the resistance to low temperatures due to the different character of the development of buds, peduncles and flowers, ie in one temperature interval one, more developed group of generative formations may be damaged, while another, less developed, will be able to endure even lower temperature fluctuations. The variety Spokusa obtained in the Krasnokutsk Division of the Institute of Horticulture (NAAS) is not less resistant to low temperature than the honeysuckle wild forms and can withstand lower temperatures than those reported in the literature. The additional stability of the flowers was detected, caused by the gradual destruction of them due to the non-simultaneous development.
Key words: honeysuckle, variety, form, floriferous shoots, frost resistance, differential thermal analysis, ice formation, dormancy state.
UDC 631.526.32:624.23
Y.S. ZAPOLSKY, Post Graduate Student
M.O. BUBLYK, Doctor, Professor, Corresponding Member of NAAS of Ukraine
Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23, Sadova st., e-mail: ya.zapolskyi91@gmail.com
O.V. Fomin Botanical Garden of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, 01032, Kyiv
The authors have elucidated the results of researches related to the freezing of the honeysuckle flower buds in the winter and spring period, after the finish of the plants dormancy state.
The frost resistance of the honeysuckle cultivar Spokusa were determined and compared with the wild forms of Lonicera edulis and Lonicera coerulea. Peduncles of plants of the species of Temptation were selected from the generative buds at the demonstration site of the Institute of Horticulture NAAS, and seedlings of Lonicera edulis and Lonicera corulea in the O.V. Fomin Botanical Garden in spring, after the buds had swelled.
The ice formation character was studied using the device designed specially for DTA and similar as to the construction with the Kwamme instrument.
The maximum freezing temperatures of flower buds in flower stalks of the honeysuckle plants: maximum – minus 6.33 and minimum – minus 7.66 ˚C were established on the basis of the carried out researches. These plants can emerge from the deep and long forced winter dormancy and initiate growth processes, which are often damaged under sharp temperature fluctuations. The schedule shows the destruction of flowers and even peduncles by turn. This phenomenon is explained by the biological peculiarities of the resistance to low temperatures due to the different character of the development of buds, peduncles and flowers, ie in one temperature interval one, more developed group of generative formations may be damaged, while another, less developed, will be able to endure even lower temperature fluctuations. The variety Spokusa obtained in the Krasnokutsk Division of the Institute of Horticulture (NAAS) is not less resistant to low temperature than the honeysuckle wild forms and can withstand lower temperatures than those reported in the literature. The additional stability of the flowers was detected, caused by the gradual destruction of them due to the non-simultaneous development.
Key words: honeysuckle, variety, form, floriferous shoots, frost resistance, differential thermal analysis, ice formation, dormancy state.