Directions of the fruit processing industry development and horticulòure profitableness increases
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2018-73-181-193
UDC 663.252
Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23, Sadova st., e-mail: amlitovchenko@ukr.net
In Ukraine, the volume of the fruit and berry processing must be increased from 16-20 to 30-40 %, that will contribute to the further horticultural industry development and significant state budget replenishment.
It is important to increase the competitive products production: non- and low-alcoholic drinks, fruit and berry, incl. honey wines, as well as products traditional for our country.
In some years, the prognosed volume of the fruits and berries industrial processing today can achieve 30-40, and in some areas 50-70% of the gross collection that is 773.7 thousand tons in 2017, and in 2025 will be 1299,6 thousand. Natural wild plants, including minor fruits and berries, spicy-aromatic and medicinal plants, are not rationally used or lost though the yield of which in Ukraine is up to 1.5 million tons a year. As a result, the state receives into the budget less billion of US dollars each year, and the population valuable natural food, incl. of the medicinal and prophylactic purpose.
At the same time, stores are filled with non-alcoholic and alcoholic, mostly foreign, drinks with artificial ingredients (flavours, dyes, taste fillers, conservants) that are harmful for health.
The respective directions of the fruit-processing industry development:
• the resumption of producting for the Ukraine traditional fruit and berry products (prunes, candied fruits, jams, sooshkas etc.), will enable to increase the country export potential and reduce, and subsequently eliminate the low quality products import;
• manufacturing the in the world competitive fruit and berry beverages and wines with the high biologically active substances content and baby nutritional products for children with high nutritional value;
• introduction of the functional food products of the medicinal and prophylactic directions on the basis of the environmentally pure products.
In order to ensure the production of the competitive ihland products, the Laboratory of the Innovative Food Technologies of the Institute of Horticulture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine has developed and published the modern regulatory and technical documentation in 11 books.
About 100 innovative competitive technologies and receipts are offered to the industrial production. Their high level is confirmed by 70 patents, diplomas, medals, cups of the Grand Prix of the international competitions and exhibitions, as well as many scientific institutions, in particular, of the medical profile.
Key words: horticulture, fruits, small fruits, processing, competitive products, profitableness, development perspectives.