Horticulture N 69
No 69
Kondratenko P.V., Kondratenko T.Y., Barabash L.O. State and promises of the farming development in the horticulture of Ukraine
Breeding and strain investigation
Tarnavska K.P. Economic and biological peculiarities of the apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) cultivar Jonagold inland clones
Dzhafarova V.E. Proliferation activity of the apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) cultivar Bolotovskoye concerning polyploidy
Khodakivska J.B. Pear (Pirus communis L.) strain invest³gation in the Northern part of the Ukraine’s Lisosteppe
Grabovetska O.A., Ezhov V.M. Pawpaw (Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal) bioecological peculiarities in the Ukraine’s Steppe
Kishchak H.A., Kishchak Yu.P. Selection of the cherry (Cerasus vulgaris Mill.) promise cultivar – rootstock combinations to create intense orchards
Pavluk V.V., Chmukh A.I., Chmykh S.V., Pavluk N.V., Kovalchuk N.S. Agrobiological peculiarities of the strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch.) neutral day cultivars growing
Karnatovska M.Yu., Ezhov V.M. Results of some Zizyphus jujuba Mill. cultivars adaptation to the conditions of the Ukraine’s Southern Steppe
Nursery practice, agrotechnics, agrochemistry
Boldyzheva L.D., Denysyuk A.F., Gorb O.S. Peculiarities of the apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) planting trees growth and development initial dynamics
Chukhil S.M., Bublyk M.O., Pavluk V.V., Goncharuk J.D. Methodological and agrobiological subs-tantiation of the expediency of the apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) cultivation on the rootstock 54-118 in the Ukraine’s Northern regions
Sobol V.A., Natalchuk D.Yu. Peculiarities of the peach (Persica vulgaris Mill.) planting trees root system development depending on a root stock in the Northern part of the Ukraine’s Lisosteppe
Grynyk I.V., Grechkovsky D.I. Dozes and methods of fertilizing effect on the apple (Malus domestiña Borkh.) yield, fruits quality and their growing economic efficiency on the grey forest soil
Gorb O.S., Kryvoshapka V.A., Kitayev O.I. Effect of the out-of-root treatment with micro- and màcroelements on the apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) planting trees growth and functional state in a nursery
Storage and processing of fruits and small fruits, physiology, microbiology,
plant frost- and drought-resistance, virology, mechanization, market
Vintskovs’ka Y.Y. Effect of the Western Lisosteppe’s conditions on the formation of the apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) fruits quality indices
Voitok T.I., Dyadenko T.V. Quality of the raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) remontant cultivars berries after the storage of them in the frozen state
Lytovchenko O.M., Yatsenko S.I. Use of the mountain ash (Sorbus aucuparia L.) fruits as raw material for functional products
Pelekhata N.P., Pelekhaty V.M., Kitayev O.I. Frost-resistance of the universal rootstock UUPROZ-6 root system while freezing artificially
Makovkin I.M., Kitayev O.I. Induction changes of the chlorophyll fluorescence in the apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) trees leaves affectioned by powdery mildew (Podosphaera leucotricha Salm.)
Patyka T.I., Patyka N.V. Soil factors and biological control over microbic agents in the rhizosphere system
Taranukho M.P., Taranukho J.M. Spread of the raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) viral diseases in the Ukraine’s Lisosteppe
Tymoshok I.V. Development of the furrowing tool for the orchard planting machine
Salo I.A. Theoretical aspects of the fruits market development cycle recurrence in Ukraine
Tymoshok I.V., Sokolov V.O. Substantiation of the optimum regime of the tools of the machine for mulching round-of-trunk belts in perennial fruit orchards