Quality of the raspberry remontant cultivars berries after the storage of them in the frozen state
UDС 006.83:634.7:632.11
Quality of the raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) remontant cultivars berries after the storage of them in the frozen state / Voitok T.I., Dyadenko T. V. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2015. – 69. – P. 146-151. – Refs.: 7. – in Ukrainian.
The authors elucidate the results of the researches on the raspberry remontant cultivars fruits storage in the frozen state for 3 and 6 months. Cvs Heracles, Osinnya and Utryennyaya Rosa berries were selected for the experiment. The investigators established the content of dry soluble substances (DSS), organic titrated acids and sugars in the fresh and defrosted fruits and carried out their degustation valuation. The influence of their storage term and cultivar biological peculiarities was determined on the defrosted berries quality after the storage of them as frozen. According to the complex of the main quality indices remontant cvs were selected the fruits of which appeared favourable for freezing quickly.
Key words: raspberry fruits, defrostation, dry soluble substances content, organic titrated acids, sugars, degustation valuation.
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