Hazelnut cultivars drought-resistance in a mother garden under the conditions of the Ukraine’s Right-Bank Lisosteppe
UDÑ 631.672:631.526.3:634.54.631.53.03.951.581.2
Hazelnut (Corylus maxima L.) cultivars drought-resistance in a mother garden under the conditions of the Ukraine’s Right-Bank Lisosteppe / Yaremko N. O. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2015. – 69. – P. 167-176. – Refs.: 6. – in Ukrainian.
The author presents the results of studying 10 hazelnut cultivars drought-resistance in a mother garden the vertical regeneration method being used with the determination of the leaves water holding capacity. For the same purpose a two-factor experience was carried out with the disperse analysis in order to establish the influence of the factors which determine the water loss. Accoding to the obtained data cvs were selected that were resistant, conditionally resistant and non-resistant to drought. The formers were «Peremoga-74», «Svyatkovy», «Koronchaty» and «Zhovtnnevy». «Chef-d'oeuvre», «Lozivsky Bulavovydny» and especially «Karamanivsky» appeared non-resistant. The other cultivars were attributed to conditionally resistant.
Key words: layers, hazelnut, drought-resistance, water-holding capacity, water loss, resistant, non-resistant, factors.
3 Tabl., 3 Fig.