Methodological and agrobiological substantiation of the expediency of the cultivation apple on the rootstock 54-118 in the Ukraine’s Northern regions
UDC 634.11:631.52
Methodological and agrobiological substantiation of the expediency of the cultivation apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) on the rootstock 54-118 in the Ukraine’s Northern regions / Chukhil S. M., Bublyk M.O., Pavluk V.V., Goncharuk J.D. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2015. – 69. – P. 83-94. – Refs.: 19. – in Ukrainian.
The authors present the results of growing apple cultivars different concerning origin, vigour and ripening terms on the rootstock 54-118 in the period of the initial (the third–seventh) and mass fruit bearing (the eigth–eleventh years), the trees feeding area being 5 x 3 m. Cvs have been selected with the early maturity, the highest winter-hardiness and productivity. The arguments have been advanced about the expediency of growing those cultivars low and middle trees with the planting plan 3.5–4 x 1.5 m in order to achieve the annual yield above 25–30 and in favourable years 50–60 t/ha. Cvs have been determined that should not be grown on the above mentioned rootstock under the conditions of the intensive horticulture.
Key words: apple, cultivars,early ripening, yield, quality, productivity, resistance.
3 Tabl.