Improvement of the European blueberry own-rooted young plants prolonged growing technology in the Right-Bank Lisosteppe of Ukraine
UDC 582.688.3: 631.535:634.1
Improvement of the European blueberry own-rooted young plants prolonged growing technology in the Right-Bank Lisosteppe of Ukraine / Pyzhianova A.A // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2015. – 69. – P. 95-103. – Refs.: 7. – in Ukrainian.
The author presents the results of the researches concerning the prolonged growing of the European blueberry rooted soft stem cuttings in the Right-Bank LisoSteppe of Ukraine. The factors were studied influencing the growth and development of own-rooted plants in the process of the prolonged growing, among them the replant terms. If the rooted cuttings of the investigated cultivars were replanted in autumn and spring the plants developed practically equally with the insignificant tendency to lagging behind of those planted in the springtime. The indices of their root system and aboveground part development increased essentially while prolonged growing in containers. The autumn replanting in the conditions of the research zone was restricted mostly by the plants hibernation results. The rooted cuttings prolonged growing appeared quite impossible on the place of rooting.
Key words: European blueberry, cultivars, soft stem cuttings, replanting terms, prolonged growing of rooted cuttings, prolonged growing in containers.
3 Tabl.