Black currant productivòy on the meliorated soddy weakly podzolized sandy soil with different nitrogenous fertilizers dozes
UDÑ 634.723:631.442.1:631.84
Black currant (Ribes nigrum L.) productivòy on the meliorated soddy weakly podzolized sandy soil with different nitrogenous fertilizers dozes / Karas’A.Y. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2015. – 69. – P. 127-137. – Refs.: 7. – in Ukrainian.
The author has analysed briefly the use of the preplanting amelioration of the soddy weakly podzolized sandy soil in the Ukraine’s Polissya and the application of nitrogenous mineral fertilizers in one and two dozes. That improves significantly physical, physicî-chemical and agrochemical properties of the soil root-habitant layer. The most optimum doze of the mentioned fertilizers has been determined which being combined with the applied meliorants in the process of the patch preplanting preparation influences positively the black currant plantations growth and yield and the berries chemical composition and quality. The proposed techniques of the sandy soils reclamation for the black currant plantations may be used in the Polissya, Lisosteppe and other regions with similar soil-climatic conditions.
Key words: preplanting preparation, ameliorants, soddy weakly podzolized sandy soil, loam, peat, black currant, nitrogenous mineral fertilizers.
5 Tabl.