Effect of the Western Lisosteppe's conditions on the formation of the apple fruits quality indices
UDC 631.576:634.11:58.055
Effect of the Western Lisosteppe's conditions on the formation of the apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) fruits quality indices / Vintskovska Y. Y. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2015. – 69. – P. 138-145. – Refs.: 3. – in Ukrainian.
The author presents the results of studying the weather conditions effect on the accumulation of physical and main biochemical substances in apples during the period of their growth and development. The fruits of the belarussian cultivars Alyesya, Imant, Nadzyeiny and Syabrina were researched. The weather on the above mentioned stage of the development has appeared to influence the major biochemical indicators. That makes it possible to predict the quality of future yield. Higher accumulated effective temperatures contributed to the increase of the fruit mass in the investigation period of 2013 and effected positively the accumulation of dry soluble substances and sugars.
Key words: apple fruits, weather conditions, accumulated effective temperatures > 10°C, hydrothermic coefficient, precipitation, fruit mass, content of dry soluble substances, organic titrate acids and sugars.
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