Development of the furrowing tool for the orchard planting machine
UDС 634.1/.7:631.332: 631.164/165
Development of the furrowing tool for the orchard planting machine / Tymoshok I.V. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2015. – 69. – P. 199-206. – Refs.: 6. – in Ukrainian.
The existing active and passive tools of the orchard planting machines do not correspond in full to the criterion of the quality of carrying out the technological operation, reliability and energetic affectivity. Thus there is necessity of developing such a tool. According to the working hypothesis it is a passive tool may be perspective that in contrast to the cuneiform opener does not widen soil but cutting layer raises it until the formation of a furrow. Besides, the author has substantiated the geometric parameters of the extenders and planes of the drill furrow-opener points, determined the dependence of the tool resistance on the planting depth and soil variety and presented the results of the experimental sample test.
Key words: orchard planting machine, drill furrow-opener point, plane, crumbling angle, planting depth, draught resistance, energy saving, experimental sample.
6 Fig.