Dozes and methods of fertilizing effect on the apple yield, fruits quality and their growing economic efficiency on the grey forest soil
UDÑ 631.8:631.96:634.11:631.445.9
Dozes and methods of fertilizing effect on the apple (Malus domestiña Borkh.) yield, fruits quality and their growing economic efficiency on the grey forest soil / Grynyk I. V., Grechkovsky D.I. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2015. – 69. – P. 111-117. – Refs.: 6. – in Ukrainian.
The author presents the main results of the researches on applying of root-and out-of-root apple (the cultivars Askolda and Radogost) trees fertilizing on the grey forest soil. The plan of the experiment includes eight variants in which different fertilizing methods and dozes are used. The influence of the mineral nutrition has been shown on the yield, its increase in comparison with the control, apples biochemical composition, the cvs response on various fertilizing technique and dozes. The major economic indices have been determined, namely: the efficiency of the trees nutrition systems application, rate of return cost recovery, profit per 1 ha, profitableness level and index.
Keó words: apple, cultivars, nutrition, fertilizers, fertilization, soil, fruits biochemical composition, yield, profitableness, return of expenses.
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