Use of the mountain ash fruits as raw material for functional products
UDС 663.3.3:663.2
Use of the mountain ash (Sorbus aucuparia L.) fruits as raw material for functional products / Lytovchenko O.M., Yatsenko S.I. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2015. – 69. – P. 152-160. – Refs.: 14. – in Ukrainian.
The paper considers the relationship of studying the physical and chemical composition of the mountain ash fruits as the raw material for the creation of functional beverages based on its non-traditional species with the expansion of the products assortment of the health-improving nature. Great raw material resourses of both cultivated and wild plant species which are characterized with an extremely high content of biologically active substances can ensure the output of new natural drinks and fruit-berry wines that will become functional products for the population. Mountain ash is an extraordinarily valuable crop. Its berries are polyvitamin raw materials. The fruit-berry raw material by the beverages production is mostly introduced in the form of juice. However, mountain ash fruits are very rich in pectines. It complicates the juice extraction and decreases its yield which is a negative factor by the drinks manufacturing. Various methods of the juice extraction were researched, namely: heating, freezing, processing with enzymic preparations, among them fructosym P assigned for the pectine substances hydrolysis. The application of such preparations can be considered one of the most perspective directions in the process of intensifying the fruit-berry-juice extraction. The analysis confirmed the essential influence just of this factor. The juice yield is 67% after processing with a enzymic preparation.
Key words: mountain ash, functional beverages, fruits, pectine substances, hydrolysis, enzymic preparations, juice extraction methods, factor influence.
2 Tabl., 1 Fig.