Economic and biological peculiarities of the apple cultivar Jonagold inland clones
UDС 634.11:631.526.32
Economic and biological peculiarities of the apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) cultivar Jonagold inland clones / Tarnavska K. P. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2015. – 69. – P. 14-22. – Refs.: 5. – in Ukrainian.
The author has presented the results of the six year (2007-2012) research of 5 best apple cultivar Jonagold inland clones (DP-1, DP-16, DP-17, DP-18 and DP-20). The objects of the investigation were the fruits yield, early ripening, marketability, taste qualities and storeability as well as the morphological variability of leaves and flowers. On the rootstock MM. 106 those clones begin fruit-bearing at the age of two-three years, the yield of five-six year trees is 12.1-26.4 t/ha, the yield of the highest and first marketable grade fruits 57 -76 % (2010-2012). The apples of more than average size (DP-1 and DP-16), large (DP-17, DP-18) and very large (DP-20), of average uniformity, excellent harmonic sweet-sour taste (8.3-8.7 points) are stored in a refrigerating chamber 171-182 days.
Key words: apple, cultivar, clone, early ripening, yield, fruits quality, morphological characteristics.
4 Tabl.