Frost-resistance of the universal rootstock UUPROZ-6 root system while freezing artificially
UDÑ 634.11:631.541.11:632.111:581.43
Frost-resistance of the universal rootstock UUPROZ-6 root system while freezing artificially / Pelekhata N.P., Pelekhaty V.M., Kitaev O.I. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2015. – 69. – P. 161-166. – Refs.: 12. – in Ukrainian.
The authors researched the root system frost-resistance of the new rootstock UUPROZ-6 – intergenetic hybrid obtained as a result of the crossing of common quince and apple. It may be used as a rootstock for a number of crops belonging to the apple subfamily: apple, pear, quince, Chaenomeles japonica, hawthorn, mountain ash. The investigators studied the damage of the hybrid roots tissues after their direct freezing. The root frost resistance appeared to be -12…-13°C, that is at the level of the regionalized quince rootstocks for pear and even more. It gives the grounds to recommend the presented rootstock for testing in all the horticultural zones of Ukraine.
Key words: universal rootstock, UUPROZ-6, quince IS-4-6, apple rootstock 54-118, frost resistance, root system.
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