Peculiarities of the peach planting trees root system development depending on a root stock in the Northern Part of the Ukraine’s Lisosteppe
UDÑ 634.25:631.533.1:631.53.03:631.541.1:551.581.2
Peculiarities of the peach (Persica vulgaris Mill.) planting trees root system development depending on a root stock in the Northern Part of the Ukraine’s Lisosteppe / Sobol V. A., Natalchuk D. Yu. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2015. – 69. – P. 104-110. – Refs.: 6. – in Ukrainian.
The authors present the results of studying the architectonics of the peach cultivar Knyazhegrads’ky planting trees root system on the seedling (apricot and myrobalan plum seedlings) and clonal rootstocks AP-1, VVA-1, Druzhba and Pumiselect on the dark-grey podzolized light loamy soil under the conditions of the northern part of the Ukraine’s Lisosteppe. On the first two rootstocks the roots have appeared less branched with a less mass and longevity than on the clonal ones. On the low rootstocks VVA-1 and Pumiselect the filamentous root system was mostly formed with a great amount of overgrowing rootlets.
Key words: root system, planting trees, peach, rootstock, Lisosteppe.
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