Substantiation of the optimum regime of the tools of the machine for mulching round-of-trunk belts in perennial fruit orchards

UDС  631.333 

Substantiation of the optimum regime of the tools of the machine for mulching round-of-trunk belts in perennial fruit orchards / Tymoshok I.V., Sokolov V.O. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2015. – 69. – P. 215-222. – Refs.: 10. – in Ukrainian.

The authors have noted the drawbacks of the present technology for the soil management in perennial fruit orchards using the herbicide fallow and substantiated the expediency and advantages of covering it with mulch in the form of dispersible substrate in round-of-trunk belts. The purpose has been formulated as well as the methods and program of experimental researches and their results presented. The optimum constructive parameters and regime of the work of the machine components have been determined. Following those parameters and regime ensures high quality.

Key words:  round-of-trunk belts, mulching, machine, conveyors, work regime, mulch distribution, productivity, qualitative indices.

6 Fig.

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