Effect of the out-of-root treatment with micro- and màcroelements on the apple planting trees growth and functional state in a nursery
UDS 631.811:631.81.095.337:634.11:631.53.03
Effect of the out-of-root treatment with micro- and màcroelements on the apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) planting trees growth and functional state in a nursery / Gorb O.S., Kryvoshapka V.A., Kitayev O.I. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2015. – 69. – P. 118-126. – Refs.: 9. – in Ukrainian.
The authors researched the effect of the out-of-root treatment with micro-and macroelements on the apple planting trees growth and functional state. The plants height and diameter, lateral shoots amount and length as well as the blade surface were determined in order to estimate the planting trees biometrical parameters. Their functional state was valuated according to the indices of the water contain in tissues as well as the chlorophylls amount and correlation in the leaves. The investigators established the weather conditions influence and cultivar susceptibility to the certain micro-and macrofertilizers out-of-root usage. The sprinkling with 3% carbamide and 0.3% boron contributed to the iucrease of the nitrogen amount in the leaves of all cvs planting trees by 5-9 % as compared to the control. It is the use of 1% carbamide and 0.3% boron that were estimated as the most efficient. This variant enables to form high quality branched trees that gives the possibility of accelerating the beginning of their fruit bearing.
Key words: apple, nursery, out-of-root sprinkling, micro-and macrofertilizers, growth, functional state.
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