Peculiarities of the apple planting trees growth and development initial dynamics
UDC 634.11: 541.11
Peculiarities of the apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) planting trees growth and development initial dynamics / Boldyzheva L.D., Denysyuk A.F., Gorb O.S. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2015. – 69. – P. 75-82. – Refs.: 3. – in Ukrainian.
The character of the apple planting trees growth and development in a nursery in the initial period is researched depending on the climatic conditions, crop cultivars signs and soil peculiarities. The decisive growth factor at this stage if irrigation is not carried out is soil humidity therefore the part of the weather and climatic conditions influence is cardinal – at a level of 67.5%, and of cultivars signs within 19.6-29.9%. In order to ensure the planting tree growth processes in full the soil humidity should be supported 70.0-80.0% depending on the water capacity. On the basis of the initial plant height it is possible to predict the standard planting stock yield.
Key words: apple, nursery, initial, period, cultivar, soil, humidity, factor.
3 Tabl., 3 Fig.