State and promises of the farming development in the horticulture of Ukraine
UDC 634:631.11
State and promises of the farming development in the horticulture of Ukraine / Kondratenko P.V., Kondratenko T.Y., Barabash L.O. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2015. – 69. – P. 5-13. – Refs.: 3. – in Ukrainian.
The authors have analysed the world`s experience of the formation of approaches to the production of the horticultural products in farmer`s enterprises, considered the problems of the present day farming movement in Ukraine, demonstrated the advantages and flaws of family farms in comparison with great agricultural enterprises in the business organization, attitude of co-workers to their duties, their interest in gaining profit. The conceptual clauses of the farming strategy have been proposed as well as its role strengthening in the horticultural branch development in our country.
Key words: farming, entrepreneurship, cooperation, amalgamation, profit, market, horticultural products.
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