Soil factors and biological control over microbic agents in the rhizosphere system
UDC 579.26:631.46:574.24
Soil factors and biological control over microbic agents in the rhizosphere system / Patyka T.I., Patyka N.V. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2015. – 69. – P. 184-191. – Refs.: 19. – in Russian.
The authors present the data of studying changes of soil factors (state of aggregation, emptiness, biochemical processes and the composition of the microflora), which monitor heterogeneous conditions in the sphere of plant rhizosphere. The final result of this is the formation of local microenvironments that control the activity and gene expression that determines the functional ways of using microbial agents in the biological control. The task of current researches is to uncover the mechanisms that form the rhizosphere and their effect on microbial agents, and ecology of plant-microbe interactions requires comprehensive study.
Key words: soil, rhizosphere, microbial communities, exudates, biocontrol.