Horticulture N 74
No 74
Yezhov V.M., Grynyk I.V. Biochemical aspects of the fruitcrops breeding the genus Prunus L.
Khodakivska Yu.B., Matviyenko M.V., Troyan V.I., Lysanyuk V.G. Ukrainian universal rootstok of the rose subgenus (UUPROS-6) in the fruit and ornamental horticulture
Kishchak O.A., Zarubenko V.I., Pelekhaty V.M., Pelekhata N.P. Evaluation of promising cherry (Cerasus vulgaris Mill.) cultivars favourability for mechanical harvesting
Telepenko Yu.Yu. Economic and biological estimation of the blackberry cultivars (Rubus caesis L.) under the conditions of the Ukraine’s Western Lisosteppe
Tereshchenko Ya.Yu., Kryvoshapka V.A., Yareshchenko O.M., Lysanyuk V.G. Adaptivity of the new sweet-berry honeysuckle (Lonicera cîerulea L.) ñultivars under the conditions of the Ukraine’s Lisosteppe
Shevel L.O., Trokhymchuk A.I. Callistephus chinensis (L.) Nees. genetic fund valuable samples of the Institute of Hoticulture, NAAS of Ukraine
Grynyk I.V., Moskalets T.Z., Frantsishko V.S., Moskalets V.V., Lyaskovsky A.A., Frantsishko B.V., Frantsishko V.V., Matlai I.Y. Checkertree mountainash (Sorbus torminalis (L.) Crantz): new breeding forms and promises of their use in horticulture
Rudnyk-Ivashchenko O.I., Kremenchuk R.I. Methods of creating new Lavandula angustifolia cultivars
Bublyk M.O., Kytayev O.I., Fryzyuk L.A., Chorna G.A., Pelekhaty V.M., Vasyuta V.M. Methods of the prediction of the agricultural plants productivity
Polgorodnik O.G., Denysyuk O.F. Gooseberry (Ribes uva-crispa L.) yield prediction on the basis of the mathematical modelling depending on the Sphaerotheca development
Malyuk T.V., Kozlova L.V., Pcholkina N.G. Improvement of the methods of the fruit crops mineral nutrition diagnostics
Dubrovsky V.I., Shwed M.V. Introduction of black walnut in Ukraine and its economic and biological significance
Vasylenko O.S., Kondratenko T.Ye. Viticulture under the conditions of Kyivshchyna
Shevchuk L.M., Babenko S.M., Zhuk V.M. Formation of the apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) cultivar Skifske Zoloto fruits quality and storage depending on a rootstock in a common cooled fruit store
Shevchuk L.M., Levchuk L.M., Omelchenko A.M., Vintskovska Yu.Yu. Decrease of the total microbial pollution in the refrigeration chambers of the store-houses with the equipment Airocide® use
Yevchuk Ya.V., Mezhensky V.M., Lyubych V.V., Parubok M.I. Biochemical characteristics of the hawthorn (Crataegus L.) fruits in order to produce products of the prophilactic assignment
Lytovchenko O.M., Kuznetsov A.V. Scientifical providing of making non-alcoholic and low alcoholic products in the fruit processing branch
Kischak O.A., Filyov V.V., Laskavy V.V., Vasyuta V.M. Plum (Prunus domestica L.) cultivars frost-resistance in the Central Lisosteppe of Ukraine
Patyka T.I., Patyka N.V., Tsyz O.M. Natural consortium of soil microorganisms (Extrakon) for agrocenoses recovery
Ryaba I.A., Pavlyuk L.V., Udovychenko K.M., Tryapitsyna N.V. Virusfree clones selection in the raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) and blackberry (Rubus caesis L.) mother gardens
Salo I.A., Popova O.P. Ukrainian fruits and small fruits market development in the globalization conditions
Yaruta O. Ya. Economic efficiency of the belladonna (Atropa belladonna L.) cultivars Prekrasna Pani and Krasavka growing
Korzeniowski M., Chmielowiec-Korzeniowska A., Tereshchenko Ya., Yareshchenko A. Possibilities of using chemical products for the protection of Rhododendron sp. against Phytophthora plurivora