Economic and biological estimation of the blackberry cultivars (Rubus caesis L.) under the conditions of the Ukraine’s Western Lisosteppe
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2019-74-25-32
UDC 631.526.3: 634.717
Yu.Yu. TELEPENKO, Junior Research Worker
Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23, Sadova st., e-mail: juli23@meta.ua
The author presents the results of studying the influence of the environmental factors on the blackberry foreign and inland cultivars physiological statues in the period from 2015 to 2017. In particular, frost- and drought resistance, reproductive capacity and potential yield of the researched cvs were studied in order to select among them the most adapted ones to the soil and climatical cultivation conditions.
The purpose of the investigation is to improve the blackberry assortment on the basis of studing the new varieties economic and biological characteristics and their adaptability to the soil-climatical conditions of the Western Lisosteppe of Ukraine for the further strain investigation and introduction into breeding programs.
The cultivars Orkan and Sadove chudo appeared to have the highest resistance of shoots' tissues both in the field conditions and while laboratory freezing at temperatures of -25 and -30 °C, which permits to state that the level of their frost resistance is high. According to the water-physical indices complex, Black Butte has the lowest adaptive capacity as for drought as compared to the rest of cvs, and Natches the highest. That makes it possible to recommend it for the introduction into the breeding work as a drought stress gene. The varieties Black Diamond, Black Pearl, Chief Joseph, Heaven Can Wait, Loch Tay, Natches, Orkan, Nasoloda, Chester and Ouachita are selected as high drought-resistant since they are able to hold moisture. It is Asterina and Loch Tay that have the highest adaptive potential of lowering the illumination intensity and stableer pigment system among the studied cultivars. Natches, Tornfree and Heaven Can Wait are characterized by the more active work of the photosynthesis device. They have accumulated more dry matter. Cvs Tornfree and Asterina have the highest yield in the first years of fruit-bearing. Heaven Can Wait, Orkan, Čačanska Bestrna and Loch Tay have also appeared high-productive. The varieties of the repair type of fruit-bearing are the least productive. They are not able to provide high productivity in the given climatical conditions.
Key words: blackberry, cultivar, adaptivity, frost- and drought-resistance, shoot-forming ability, productivity, green pigments, water-holding capacity, specific leaf surface density.
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