Ukrainian universal rootstok of the rose subgenus (UUPROS-6) in the fruit and ornamental horticulture
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2019-74-15-19
UDC 634.1.093:634.10:631.541.11
Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23. Sadova st., e-mail: lab.plod@ukr.net
V.I. TROYAN, Senior Research Worker
Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination, 15, General Rodymtsev str., Kyiv
L.G. LYSANYUK, Doctor, Professor
National scientific centre “Institute for agricultural engineering and electrification” NAAS of Ukraine, 08631, Kyiv region, Vasylkiv district, Glevakha, 11, Vokzalna st.
Ignoring the problem of the cultivar – rootstock combinations optimum selection, as a rule, not only causes discredit of a, good cv, but also often makes it impossible to achieve the determined aim. In the creation of adaptive rootstocks and favorable in the process of cultivation the important role belongs to inter specific and inter generic hybrids which combining the genotype of the initial forms (less negative sings) display greater adaptively to the environment. That is confirmed by their wide usage in the modern horticulture practice.
The interspecific and intergeneric hybrids must be not only high favorable in the process of cultivation at the stage of propagation (nursery) but also meet certain economic and technological requirements under the conditions of the intense industrial orchard: to limit essentially the crown habit, to be compatible with as greater amount of plants as possible (universal) early ripening and high productive, and in the main, to be adaptive enough to the biotic and abiotic factors. Concerning the universal rootstocks a researcher must use skillfully the heterosis effect which is observed and displayed in the first generation of the intergeneric hybrids to stimulate and increase valuable cultivar roostock combination economic and biological characteristic under the orchard conditions.
As it is known, though the overwhelming majority of the inter generic hybrids produces seeds but the are non – viable while those of UUPROS – 6 are distributed 1-5 per one of seven seed vessels.
The seeds are filled well and their sowing characteristics are rather high.
The authors present the preliminary results of the comparative researches of certain morphological and aerobiological signs of UUPROS – 6 on the background of the traditional firms of quince (IS 2-10) and apple (54-118). THE investigations have shown that the new rootstock has a number of technological and ecological advantages as compared to the existing forms at the reproduction stage.
Key words: rootstock, layers, hybrids, genotype, disease causative, cuttings, UUPROS-6, quince.
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