Viticulture under the conditions of Kyivshchyna
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2019-74-106-112
UDC 634.8 (477.41)
O.S. VASYLENKO, Post Graduate Assistant
T.YE. KONDRATENKO, Doctor, Professor
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, e-mail: elena_vasylenko@ukr.net
At the modern stage the important problem is development of new approaches to the rational use of natural resources on the entire territory of Ukraine including the viticulture spread to its Northern regions. In this connection the research of the new grape cultivars adaptivity level to the conditions of the Ukraine’s Lisosteppe Northern part is actual as well as of the peculiarities of the formation of their productivity under these conditions. The methods are field, laboratory, comparative and generalizing. The study of grape cvs adaptive possibilities is carried out on the territory of the experimental field “Fruit and vegetable garden” of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv). The plants of 10 varieties on the rootstock 101-14 Rinariya x Rinestris were planted in the spring of 2017 (3.0 x 1.5 m, 10 seedling plants of each cultivar a variant). The estimates and observations are conducted according to the methods of carrying out the investigation of cvs of the fruit, small fruit, nuciferous crops and grape (2005). The possibilities of the above mentioned branch conducting in the conditions of the Kyiv region has been substantiated on the basis of the historical information, experience of other countries, data about the climate changes in Ukraine and new grape varieties properties as well as the peculiarities of the research carrying out described.
The plants vegetation began in the first decade of April when the ground warmed up to a temperature of 8-9 degree C. The cultivars Shkoda, Aromatny, Yarylo and Kardyshakh distinguished themselves for the best plants getting acclimatized (90 %). The berries of all cvs ripened in the middle of August, only those of ‘Zagadka’ in the second half of September. The greatest berries amount was collected from the annual plants of the varieties Yarylo (1.2 kg/bush), Persei (0.8 kg/bush) and Aromatny (0.6 kg/bush). ‘Kometa’ appeared the least productive.
The observations period was characterized by the favourable weather conditions for the grape plants hibernation, growth and development. The number of the days with an average daily temperature of 10 degree C and above was 193. The effective temperatures sum 10 degree C and above during the vegetation period was 3510 degree C. That is a high index of the warm-capacity for the Kyiv region. On the whole the year 2018 was one of the best ones during the latest periods for many thermophylic crops, especially for grape. In the same year the early spring without frosts was fixed as well as hot summer and warm autumn.
The evident climate changes confirmed by many a year, tendency of the essential warm-capacity increase and the presence of the grape absolutely new winter-hardy inland cultivars give reasons for optimism concerning the results of our further explorations and promises of this crop industrial cultivation in the Northern part of the Ukraine’s Lisosteppe.
Key words: viticulture, history, climate, the north, cultivars, temperature.
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