Scientifical providing of making non-alcoholic and low alcoholic products in the fruit processing branch
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2019-74-133-139
UDC 663.252
O.M. LYTOVCHENKO, Doctor, Professor
A.V. KUZNETSOV, Post Graduate Student
Institute of Horticulture NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, st. Sadova, 23, e-mail: amlitovchenko@ukr.net, vetsuk11@gmail.com
The authors present results of researching inland and cultivars apple using them for processing in order to produce competitive Ukrainian direct juices, soft and low alcohol drinks, in particular, ciders. The researches were conducted at the Institute of Horticulture of NAAS of Ukraine in the Laboratory of the Technology for the Fruits and Berries Storage and Processing and the Industrial Enterprise of LLC "Agroindustrial company "Mais" during 2017-2018. It is cvs Fuji and Champion that were recognized as the best to the development of direct juices in keeping with the organoleptic and physico-chemical characteristics of juices. On the basis of the investigation a number of direct-juices "Naisik" of the increased biological value were created for the above mentioned company: apple, apple-carrot, apple-pumpkin, apple-beetroot, and complex compositions of Multisocks: apple-carrot-pumpkin, apple -carrot-pumpkin-beetroot.
The significant percentage in the processing of the fruit and berry raw materials abroad belong to the natural low-alcohol drinks: cider, sanguine, and others that can compete with health-hazardous energetic ones that contain artificial fillers, offered unfortunately, also by our producers for youth.
The prospects for the formation of the inland market drinks that meet the requirements of the increased benefit for the population health, depend on the level of the efficiency of the use of the fruit and berry raw material, the development of new compositions, technological improvement of production, increase of consumer qualities due to improving the taste.
One of the elements of the healthy way of life of a modern human being is reducing the consumption of strong alcohol drinks. The manufacturing of low-alcohol drinks, which the consumer could use without harm to health, is an attractive solution to meet the growing demand for the products that do not contain substances harmful to human beings.
The physicalchemical and organoleptic studies of promising apples varieties showed that as the basis for natural competitive cider can be used it is the cultivars Red Topaz, Jonagold, Rosell. The low-alcohol light cider "Erica" of the European type was created as a result of the exploration.
Key words: direct juices, soft and low alcohol drinks, fruit and berry raw materials, apple cultivars, high biological value.
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