Natural consortium of soil microorganisms (Extrakon) for agrocenoses recovery
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2019-74-144-153
UDC 631.461.6:631.86
T.I. PATYKA, Doc Agr Sci, Professor
N.V. PATYKA, Doc Agr Sci, Professor, Corresponding Member of NAAS of Ukraine
O.M. TSYZ, PhD, Docent
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences, 03041, Kyiv, 13, Heroi Oborony st.,
e-mail: patykatatyana@gmail.com
The strategic direction of the modern agriculture, plant growing in the terms of disclosing their adaptive potential is presented — the use of innovative biological means of the soil fertility reproduction and production of ecologically safe products. Among such means used in the agrotechnologies for growing crops, microbial agents of the polyfunctional activity play an important role in providing the trophic structure of the metabolism of biological systems in the plants rhizosphere, the bioprotective effect, induction of systemic resistance of plants to phytopathogens. The high effectiveness of multi year fundamental and applied researches on the formation of biologically optimized, healthy soil at the expense of the natural consortium of soil microorganisms (Extrakon), which displays actively the effect of the soil remediation, nourishes plants and accelerates the processes of the organic matter transformation (plant residues) into biohumus. The introduction of environmentally safe agro-biotechnologies based on the natural consortium of soil microorganisms has an important scientific and practical significance. The consortium of soil microorganisms is an ecologically stable homeostatic covalent natural complex, which is closely linked with the metabolic relationships and does not lose its biological components for a long period (12 months). The authors have established the model and field conditions an effective formation of plant-microbial systems, formation of the rhizosphere factor and interaction is established. The improvement in nutrition, functional state of plants, stimulation of growth and development of the overground and vegetative plants root mass, are observed as well as "the effect of the rhizosphere." The predictable biological effect of the biological preparation Extrakon on the basis of the consortium of microorganisms, including the effect of the rhizosphere, the improvement of agrocenoses, the activation of trophic bonds in the "soil-plant" system in the agricultural production will be 80 %.
Key words: consortium of soil microorganisms, Extrakon, rhizosphere, polyfunctional properties, agrocenosis.
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