Decrease of the total microbial pollution in the refrigeration chambers of the store-houses with the equipment Airocide® use
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2019-74-118-123
UDC 621.796:579.2:645.687
L.M. LEVCHUK, Research Worker
A.M. OMELCHENKO, Yu.Yu. VINTSKOVSKA, Junior Research Workers
Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23, Sadova st., e-mail: zberig@ukr.net
The authors present the results of studing of the efficiency of the American equipment Airocide® in the refrigeration chambers of the fruit stores. The basis device functioning is based the technology of the photocatalysis – the acceleration of the chemical reaction, caused by the catalyst action (titanium compounds) and exposure to light (the ultraviolet range A). In the process of the photocatalytic reactions volatile compounds (e. g. ethylene), viruses, bacteria, spores of fungi, pollen, etc. decompose into safe water molecules and carbon dioxide. The device is able to disinfect objects at a size from a few millimeters to several microns. It should be noted that ozone and other biologically harmful substances are not released during the device functioning.
The microbiological parameters of air and walls of the refrigeration chambers were determined with and without the use of the Airocide (control). The microbiological control of air in the chambers was carried out applying sedimentation method, of the walls – of by flushing swabs from the surface of 100 cm2. Sowing was the conducted on the Chapek medium (for yeasts and micromycetes) and lysogenic one (LB) for bacteria). The microorganisms were cultivated in the thermostat at a temperature of 26-28 °C for 3-14 days.
The significant air microbiological parameters improvement in the refrigeration chambers was noted in the fruitstores of the Institute of Horticulture NAAS, State Enterprise "Experemental Farm of the Podilya Experemental Station" and GK "Melitopol’s’ka Chereshnya" during the three months of the Airocide functioning – the photocatalytic system for the air purifying and disinfection from the organic pollution. As a result of the equipment functioning the total air microbial pollution in the chambers decrease a by 72-98 %, by the bacteria – by 74-99 %, by the micromycetes – by 40-94 %, depending on the location and functioning duration. The obtained indicators enable to consider the device functioning as an alternative to chemical means of disinfection in the fruitstore in the further study of its influence on the quality fruits and durability.
Key words: fruit store, refrigeration chamber, total microbial pollution, bacteria, micromycetes, equipment Airocide.
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