Virusfree clones selection in the raspberry and blackberry mother gardens
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2019-74-153-160
UDC 634.71:578
I.A. RYABA, Agronomist
L.V. PAVLYUK, Post Graduate Assistant
Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23, Sadova st., e-mail: opanasencko.irina@ukr.net
Selection and reproduction of the raspberry and blackberry virusfree clones for the production of the healthy planting stock necessary amount is rather difficult task, since. There exist more than 40 Rubus spp. viral pathogens which can colonize their plantations both naturally and mechanically. Therefore, their state is an indicator of the success full implementation of all the necessary stipulated technological standards. In order to select virusfree clones, as well as to estimate the fitovirusological conditions of plantations and determine problematic technological units. The planting material from raspberry and blackberry mother gardens of three Ukraine’s regions was examined. The selected samples were tested in accordance with the international standards requirements on the presence of 12 viruses and one phytoplasma using the laboratory methods (ELISA and RT-PCR). The total infectivity of the examined material was 31.6 %. Only 4 pathogens were detected, including 3 viruses (RRSV, ArMV, RVCV) and one phytoplasma. It is that appeared the most spread virus (28 %). The over welming majority of infecting with this pathogen was detected in the samples from the Vinnytsya region (35 %). For the first time, the virus of the raspberry veins chlorosis was detected. Pure material was found in the samples from Kyiv region (0%). Beside the viral pathogen ArMV (20%), the Rubus stunt phytoplasma was identified in the raspberry tested samples from Lvivschyna – 10 %. Taking into consideration the RVCV and ArMV spread the most problematical phytovirusological state in the examined mother gardens is currently observed in the Zhytomyr and L’viv regions.
Possible ways of the RVCV introduction were analysed as well as of improving the reproduction technologies for preventing the viral diseases spread in the raspberry and the blackberry mother gardens.
Key words: raspberry motherplants, virus, phytoplasma, ELISA, PCR, prevalence, identification, diagnosis.
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