Plum cultivars frost-resistance in the Central Lisosteppe of Ukraine
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2019-74-139-144
UDC 632.111.5:634.22(477)
Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23, Sadova st., e-mail: sad-institut@ukr.net
V.V. FILYOV, Director
V.V. LASKAVY, Research Workers
L.P. Symyrenko Research of the Station of Pomology of the Institute of Horticulture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Mliiv, Cherkasy region, e-mail: mliivis@ukr.net
V.M. VASYUTA, Doctor
2a, Pushkin st., Mukolaivka, Poltava district, Poltava region
The authors have elucidated the results of researching the frost-resistance of 14 cultivars and 9 elite forms of plum bred at the L.P. Symyrenko Research Station of Pomology. The frost-resistance estimation was carried out after the artificial freezing at a temperature of minus 30-35 °C, when the plants were in the state of the deep dormancy. The degree of the frost-resistance of the fruit formations and flowers was determined in the field conditions.
During the period of the organic dormancy at a temperature of -22.2 °C, the bark and cambium tissues of the trees of all the studied cultivars in the field conditions were damaged non-considerably (by 0.4-0.7 points and the buds by 0.6-1.1 points). At the same time when the temperature in the period of the forced dormancy decreased to -20 °C, it is the cv Oda (0.3 %), elite forms № 8087 (Aria), № 9996 (Yuna) and the variety Yantarna Mliivs’ka (0.6-0.8 %) that had the smallest percentage of frozen buds, whereas the freezing of the flowers and fruit buds of the cultivar Stuttgart was maximum (6.8-7.3 %), which caused the reduction of the yield of the trees of this cv by 1.2-1.3 times.
The studies have established that a temperature of -30 °C during the period of the organic dormancy of the trees of the inland cultivars appeared to bring about insignificant and lower than average damage of the bark and cambium (from 0.1 to 2.1 points) and only those of the varieties Record, Prestige and President were damaged by 1.8-2.1 points. The freezing at a temperature of -35 °C caused average and higher than average damages (by 2.2-2.7 points) of the fruit buds of all the cultivars trees that could be a threat for obtaining complete harvest. The elite forms № 8087 (Aria), № 9996 (Yuna), № 8164 (Prestige) and the cvs Oda, Zamanchyva and Record. They are promising, for growing in the Lisosteppe of Ukraine distinguish themselves for the resistance to unfavorable winter conditions and frost-resistance.
Key words: plum, cultivar, frost-resistance, winter-hardiness, artificial freezing, damage.
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