Ukrainian fruits and small fruits market development in the globalization conditions
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2019-74-160-170
UDC 339.13.017: 634.1.076: 634.7
I.A. SALO, Doc Ec Sci
Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination, 15, General Rodymtsev Str., Kyiv, e-mail: inna_salo@ukr.net
Under the conditions of the formation of the Free Trade zone with the European Union countries the determination of the efficiency of the food market development is actual, in particular, of that of the fruits and small fruits, from the viewpoint of the global political and economic changes. The main Ukrainian manufacturing problem is providing the population needs in the fruits and small fruits products and foreign trade.
The authors have analysed the level of the fruits and small fruits production by various agricultural enterprises and private farms. The latters play the major role in ensuring the population needs in the fruits and small fruits provision even though their production is considered to be uncompetitive in the global market. The principal causes of the private farms activity is the possibility of providing their needs in fruits and small fruits as well as obtaining the additional profit. That is especially actual under the low purchasing population capacity. The structure, tendencies, cost of the production have been characterized as well as export and import supplies, the peculiarities of the customs and tariff regulation in the conditions of the adaptation to the requirements of the Agreement about the Free Trade Zone with the European Union.
It is expected that as the inland production scales increase the fruits export in the year 2020 will be up to 0.2 mln t and form in the main at the expense of apples and Persian walnuts. The import volume increase up to 0.8 mln t is envisaged. The European Union countries share in the fruits and small fruits export cost is up to 33.4 %. During the latest years the major imported fruits suppliers to the internal market are mainly the countries of Europe and Asia. The share of the above mentioned countries that supply the fruit products to the Ukraine’s internal market is 7.2 %. The custom and tariff levers have appeared not to influence the formation of the general proposition on the market at the expense of the imported products. Taking into account the market functioning peculiarities, business environment change, considerable disperse of the main fruits and small fruits producers it is necessary to support their activity by the state. That is observed in the near foreign countries Poland, Russia, Byelorussia.
Key words: market, fruits, small fruits, farms categories, production, import, export, custom tariffs.
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