Callistephus chinensis (L.) Nees. genetic fund valuable samples of the Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine

DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2019-74-39-44
UDC 631.526.4:582.998


Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyev-27, 23, Sadova st., e-mail:

In 2016, Callistephus chinensis cultivars Yantarna, Krasunya, Anzhelika and  Mashynka were included in to the State Register of the Plants Cultivars favorable for the dissemination in Ukraine. They are also valuable samples of the Ukraine`s plants genetic fund, and attained the numbers of the National Catalogne in the National Centre for the Plants Genetic Resources of Ukraine, Kharkov. The seeds of the above mentioned samples are stored in the National Genetic Plants Bank of Ukraine for the long-term storage. These samples combine high or namentality and inflorescence diameter, bush productivity and Fusarium oxysporum fusarium pathogen resistance. The above mentioned varieties plants were also recommended landscape and shade gardening and for planting and cutting.
The authors have established the importance of the callistephus chinensis plants genetic resources the scientific institution for creating new valuable samples, namely: Oksana, Zhyemchug, Snyezhnyi Shar, Carmen, which are the researched crop maternal forms. Their presence in the IH NAAS collection made it possible for the breeds to create new callistephus chinensis cvs: Rozkishna, Fantaziya, Knyagynya, Mriya and to make their descriptions. Today the documents for the inclusion of  these varieties in to the State Register of the Plant Cultivars favorable for the dissemination in Ukraine, undergo the final examination. The new above mentioned cultivars have been included in to the “database” of the National Centre for the Plants Genetic of the Resources of Ukraine. Their plants are characterized by the complex of the signs valuable for economy. That complex includes resistance to adverse weather conditions (9 points) and to Fusarium oxysporum fungus pathogen (9 points) high or namentality (9 points), and inflorescence diameter (11-13 cm), productivity (2.5 -3.5 g/bush) and universal assignment.
Key words: callistephus chinensis, cultivar, valuable samples, genetic fund, genetic resources.

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