Gooseberry (Ribes uva-crispa L.) yield prediction on the basis of the mathematical modelling depending on the sphaerotheca development
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2019-74-83-90
UDC 519.85:632.914:634.725
O. F. DENYSYUK, Leading Engineer
Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23, Sadova st., е-mail: onbt@ukr.net
In the recent years the problem of the protective measures in horticulture biologization necessity is set more and more often. It contributes to the reduction of the epiphytotic threat emergence and to the environmentally pure products obtaining. Taking into consideration the abovementioned, the basis of our work is the analysis of the Sphaerotheka development during the vegetation period on the gooseberry cultivars of different resistance under the influence of biofungicides and environmental factors. As a result, the mathematical model of the disease development prediction has been developed, which will enable to make objective decisions in the future regarding the gooseberry plantations integrated protection systems with their limited negative effect on the environment.
The average gooseberry yield has appeared to be 6.72 ± 0.15 t/ha with the 8 .61 t/ha conditions of the Right-Bank Lisosteppe of Ukraine and of the natural moisture.
Besides, the average indexes of the plantations damage by Sphaerotheka are observed in the range of 21.4-23.9%, disease development at a level of 8.1-11.0 %.
The Sphaerotheka development is considered the dominant factor determining the gooseberry yield level depending on the environmental factors (34.0 %) and the schemes of application of the biological preparations application (30.0 %). The influence of the crop varietal peculiarities and their display depending on the weather conditions during the vegetation period fluctuates from 17.0 to 27.0 %.
The important research aspect was to determine the impact of different disease levels on the orchards yield. The regression correlation analysis has showed that the correlation between the yield and disease indicators fluctuate from -0.5575 to -0.8053. This means that the gooseberry shrubs damage with Sphaerotheka can reduce significantly the yield. The greatest correlation between the affected shoots number and disease development on the fruits and shoots is -0.8053 and -0.7940 respectively.
On the basis of the research results, a predictive yield model has been created, that is a linear equation, the arguments of which are the affected shoots number and the disease development on the berries. The determination coefficient at a level of 64.0% indicates the rather significant reliability of this equation.
On the basis of the created model, it the nomograms yield were constructed depending on the shoots damage and the disease development on the fruits of gooseberry. The rise of the shoots affections has proved to reduce the plantations yield by 0.113, and the disease development by 0.056 kg on each 10 % of the affection.
The developed nomoprogram of the disease development makes it possible to estimate in advance the gooseberry plantations conserning infectious process and determine the necessity protective measures.
Key words: mathematical models, meteorological factors, yield, factor analysis, gooseberry, Sphaerotheka, biological preparations.
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