Evaluation of promising cherry (Cerasus vulgaris Mill.) cultivars favourability for mechanical harvesting
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2019-74-20-25
UDC 634.23:634.1-13
Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23, Sadova st., e-mail: sad-institut@ukr.net
V.I. ZARUBENKO, Junior Research Worker
Podillya Research Station of IH NAAS of Ukraine, 23226, Vinnytsya region, Vinnytsya district, Medvezhe Vushko, 1, Naukova st., e-mail: vnvm@ukr.net
Zhytomyr National Agroecological University, 10008, Zhytomyr-08, 7, Stary Blvd, e-mail: vadpel@meta.ua
The authors present the results of studying 14 promising cherry cultivars concerning the favourability for mechanized harvesting. The research was conducted in the cherry orchard planted in 2007 (planting plan 5x3 m) during 2016-2018 at the Institute of Horticulture (IH) of NAAS of Ukraine with the formation of the rounded crown and reduced zone of fruit-bearing developed at IH NAAS. The field, laboratory, comparative investigation methods were used as well as statistical ones. It is cvs Lotivka (6.28 N), Vstryecha (6.14) and Debreceni Bötermo (5.58), as well as Vzglyad and Molodizhna (4.45-4.89 N) that appeared to have the strongest peduncle attachment to the branch. The greatest harvesting completeness was ensured by ‘Vzglyad’, ‘Debreceni Bötermo’, and ‘Lotivka’, which had the efforts to remove fruits 1.59-1.83 N. The varieties Debreceni Bötermo (98 %), Turgyenyevka, Amulyet, Ozhidaniye, Molodizhna and Kseniya (95 %) distinguished themseves for sudden ripening but the fruits of the two latters required the greatest effort to be torn off ‘Kseniya’ (5.73 N), ‘Igrushka’ (5.20), ‘Molodizhna’ (5.03), ‘Lotivka’ (4.80), ‘Nochka’ (4.66 N) provided the maximum skin density while shaking. The cultivars Molodizhna and Lotivka (19.4 each), Podbyel’ska (18.7 %), Igrushka and Kseniya (16.7 each), Ozhidaniye and Boguslavka (16.4 each) were characterized with the highest dry soluble substances content. Moreover, their fruits have dark red juice colouration, dense flesh and are the most favourable for freezing. Thus, according to the set of qualitative indicators, the cvs Kseniya, Igrushka, Molodizhna, Nochka distinguished themselves for the simultaneous fruits ripening, their skins for greatest density, high transportability, as well as the marketable and taste qualities. Those varieties can be favourable both for mechanized harvesting, and consumption as fresh.
Key words: cherry, simultaneousness ripening, skin density, fruit mass, mechanical harvesting.
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