Horticulture N 68
No 68
Grynyk I.V., Bublyk M.O., Barabash L.O. Actual problems of the development of horticulture in Ukraine
Sotnik A.I., Babina R.D., Gorb N.N. Crimean Research Station of Horticulture – the way to the centenary
Babina R.D., Litchenko N.A., Grytsenko L.A., Khoruzhy P.G. Results of the pome crops multiyears researches in Crimea
Tankevich V.V., Sotnyk O.I. Main aspects of the formation and development of the crimean nursery practice
Babintseva N.A. High-productive apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) and pear (Pirus communis L.) orchards in the Crimean peninsula
Arifova Z.I. Strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch.) breeding and strain investigation in Crimea
Gorb N.N., Untilova A.E. Results of multiyears researching the problems of the fruits storage and processing at the Crimean Research Station of Horticulture
Kondratenko T.Y. Adaptivity, fruits bearing peculiarities and fruits quality of the apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) cultivars of the czech breeding
Shkinder-Barmina A.M. Adaptive potential of sour cherry (Cerasus vulgaris Mill.) and dukes varieties in the Southern Steppe of Ukraine
Krasulya T.I. Adaptivity of apple (Malus domestica Mill.) varieties in the conditions of the Ukraine′s Southern Steppe
Dolgova S.V. Sweet cherry (Cerasus avium Moench.) adaptive potential in the Ukraine′s Southern Steppe
Shevchuk L.M. Substantiation of the Ukraine′s regions favourability for growing small fruits of proper use
Kondratenko P.V., Shevchuk L.M., Barabash L.O. Small fruits growing in Ukraine – state and development promises
Breeding and strain investigation
Kondratenko T.Y., Goncharuk J. D. New apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) early cultivars
Dronyk N.I., Mykychuk O.I. Perspective pear (Pirus communis L.) cultivars for intense orchards of Prydnistrovya
Mel’nychuk O.A. Evaluation of the apple and pear introduced cultivars grown under intensive technologies in the low-lying subzone of Transcarpathia
Klochko N.M. Perspective pear (Persica vulgaris Mill.) varieties for the Southern Steppe of Ukraine
Pavluk V.V., Chmukh A.I., Chmykh S.V., Kuplichenko A.A., Rozsokha E.V., Pryimachuk L.S., Koval’chuk N.S.,Vasyuta V.M. Estimation of the strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch.) ukrainian and foreign cultivars in Ukraine (2011-2013)
Pavlyenkova G.A. Ecological and biological peculiarities and ornamental qualities of the lilac (Syringa L.) species in the ARRIFCB Arboretum
Babintseva N.A., Lysanyuk V.G. Growth and productivity of pear (Pirus communis L.) in different types of orchards on a lowgrowing rootstock
Omel’chenko V.V. Peculiarities of the plum (Prunus sp.) planting trees growth on weakly growing rootstocks in the nursery
Sotnik A.I., Tankyevich V.V. The pear (Persica vulgaris Mill.) trees root system development on clonal rootstocks
Nursery practice, agrotechnics
Rastorguyev O.B., Vasyuta V.M. Comparative evaluation of apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) intense orchards productivity depending on age and planting stock quality
Dzhafarova V.E. Apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) clonal micropropagation with the gene Vf and possibilities of the polyploidy meristems inducing in vitro
Voloshyna V.V. Peculiarities of apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) planting trees growth in the second field of nurseries depending on mulching materials
Yuryk L.S. Termination of growing rooted stem cuttings of new gooseberries (Grossularia reclinata) varieties
Rastorguyev O.B. Productivity of apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) intense orchards with low-volume crowns during different age periods in the South of Ukraine
Rastorguyev O.B., Barabash T.N. Influence of the apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) trees load with fruits rationing upon the yield formation and quality
Plant protection, agrochemistry, irrigation, storage of fruits and small fruits
Boldyzheva L.D. Apple scab (Venturia inaequalis Wint) display on hybrid seedlings attained with the immunity donors participance
Prikhod’ko Y.N., Shneider Y.A., Zhivayeva T.S., Morozova O.N., Vasyuta S.A. Plum pox virus on cherry (Cerasus vulgaris Mill.): spreading, diagnosis, stamms
Drozda V.F., Kocherga M.O. Microbiological entomopathogenical fungous preparation aegerin: obtaining and use in small fruit crops protection
Khomenko I.I., Slon’ A.S. Black currant (Ribes nigrum L.) protection from pests and diseases in the Ukraine′s Lisosteppe
Klimyenko O.Y. Apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) trees mineral nutrition on different rootstocks under the conditions of the soil alkalization
Mel’nychuk O. A., Choma Zs. J. Biochemical composition of apple (Malus domestica (L.) Borkh.) and pear (Pirus communis L.) fruits in Transarpathia
Microbiology, physiology, winter-hardiness, drought-resistance, virology, economics
Patyka T.I. Conceptual foundations of microbiomethod using entomopathogenic microorganisms
Odyntsova V.A. Substantiation of the term of the stone fruit crops trees buds evaporative cooling during the protection from spring frosts
Kryvoshapka V.A., Yareshchenko O.M. Estimation of the black currant (Ribes nigrum L.) cultivars and hybrid forms drought-resistance in the Ukraine′s Lisosteppe
Taranukho M.P., Taranukho J. M. Spread of the black currant (Ribes nigrum L.) viral diseases in the Lisosteppe of Ukraine
Salo I.A. Fruits market review world-wide
Devotion to science
Professor Gyennady Yefryemovich Zaikov. Sixty years of the scientific activity