Substantiation of the term of the stone fruit crops trees buds evaporative cooling during the protection from spring frosts
UDC 634.20:631.533.3:551.524.37”321”
Substantiation of the term of the stone fruit crops trees buds evaporative cooling during the protection from spring frosts / Odyntsova V.A. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2014. – 68. – P. 323-332. – Refs.: 26. – in Ukrainian.
As a result of evaluating comprehensively the pheno-climatographical index –growing degree hours (GDH) high level of its accuracy and expediency was proved for the determination of the stone fruit crops trees buds evaporative cooling using micro-sprinkler irrigation during the orchard protection from spring frosts.
2 Tabl.2, 1 Fig.