Apple trees mineral nutrition on different rootstocks under the conditions of the soil alkalization

UDC 634.11:631.41:631.811

Apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) trees mineral nutrition on different rootstocks under the conditions of the soil alkalization / Klimyenko O.Y. Klimyenko O.Y. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2014. – 68. – P. 290-297. – Refs.: 11. – in Russian.

The author has studied the  influence of the dark chestnut weakly alkaline soil alkalization on the apple trees mineral nutrition on different rootstocks. The changes of the mineral nutrition in those unfavourable  eñological conditions have proved to depend both on a cultivar and on a rootstock. Under the   alkalization many rootstock – cultivar combinations accumulate nitrogen as well as a certain amount of sodium in leaves and decrease the content of ash elements and crude ash. The cultivar  ‘Melba’  on MM. 106 which has stable content of nutritive elements has turned out to be the most  resistant to alkalization. The least resistant one is‘ Golden Delicious’ on Sary Sinap that lacks potassium, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium
3 Figs.

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