Biochemical composition of apple and pear fruits in Transarpathia
UDC 634.10:577.1:477.87
Biochemical composition of apple (Malus domestica (L.) Borkh.) and pear (Pirus communis L.) fruits in Transarpathia / Mel’nychuk O. A., Choma Zs. J. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2014. – 68. – P. 304-313. – Refs.: 14. – in Ukrainian.
The authors present the results of studying of the influence of meteorological factors and biological peculiarities of the variety on the fruits of apple and pear biochemical composition in Transcarpathia. The cultivars have been selected which are characterized by optimum taste and high ascorbic acid content.
4 Tabl., 1 Fig.