Sweet cherry adaptive potential in the Ukraine’s Southern Steppe

UDÑ 634. 23: 631. 526. 32: 57.017.3 (477.7)

Sweet cherry (Ñerasus avium Moench.) adaptive potential in the Ukraine’s Southern Steppe / Dolgova S. V. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2014. – 68. – P. 91-96. – Refs.: 11. – in Ukrainian.

The author has presented the results of the sweet cherry strain investigation in the Southern Steppe of Ukraine and selected the cultivars with high resistance to low temperatures in winter and spring, and fungous diseases. Cvs ‘Kazka’, ‘Zodiak’, ‘Mirazh’, ‘Udacha’, ‘Slavyanochka’ combine complex resistance to unfavorable biotic and abiotic environmental factors with high productivity.
1 Tabl.

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